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Posts posted by jefbal99

  1. I've had my E4GT & OG EVO, my wife has had an EVO Shift, my mom a Samsung Transform, my Dad an OG Epic, my sister a Moto Razr and I can't say one time that any of us has hit the SMS bug that is such a "big" issue. While there is evidence it occurs, it seems that some people get it and others don't.


    As for the audio quality on the GSII I love the audio on mine and haven't had any issues with it.


    I haven't researched much as far as android apps go but back in my winmo days there was an app that would give you all sorts of crazy options. I can't remember the name of the app but it allowed you to send a call straight to voicemail' date=' or simply answer and hang up so it doesn't go to voicemail. You could even set it up to automatically send specific text messages to specific numbers when they called. You could even block all numbers from a particular area code if you wanted too, all this also applied to sms as well and it all would take place behind the scene without you being disturbed. You wouldn't even know the app was running in the back ground if you didn't know it was there. You could, at any time, check the apps log to see any activity that took place.[/quote']


    I would love an app like that


    Sent from my CM9 Epic 4g Touch using Forum Runner

  3. No matter what, the problem is temporary. It most likely can be fixed by software, with an OTA. But even if it is a hardware issue, then HTC is going to have to ship everyone new devices to replace them with one that does work. That is so painful to consider, that I just don't even want to think about it. Let's get back to thinking about an OTA.




    I really hope it is an OTA quickly...

  4. And that is why I believe Sprint is blocking access to the LTE network. They don't want this issue discovered and go main stream in the press. I have been seeing over and over again Sprint say internally they were going to allow LTE to be discoverable by LTE devices at each site as they come online. And then right about the time the LTE Connectivity issue is discovered, they do a 360 degree about face and decide to institute a rushed and dire LTE blocking scheme.


    The LTE will not stop being blocked until they have a software solution to implement for the LTE Connectivity issue.




    I hope that Sprint is holding HTC to the fire on this issue. I wonder if there are penalty clauses in the Sprint/HTC contract for broken functionality and Sprint can get money back from HTC or withhold payments until the issue is resolved?


    The longer this goes on, the sillier Sprint looks for launching so many LTE devices with no LTE network live (from your average Joe Consumer perspective). They have the LG Viper, Galaxy Nexus, EVO LTE, Galaxy SIII, and the Sierra hotspot.


    I know the EVO brand is Sprint's flagship, but this should have been resolved in the lab before releasing the device...

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    We may be able to do a chat earlier on a few occasions. But I will not be able to consistently do chats in the early evening. I have a deal with my wife that evenings belong to the family. As long as I abide by that' date=' she doesn't complain about my S4GRU time. Kids go to bed at 9 PM. So I typically start to become active around S4GRU around then.




    I understand completely, I have the same rules :)


    Sent from my CM9 Epic 4g Touch using Forum Runner

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