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Everything posted by Vince

  1. "Dan" aka Laquita called me today, too. I also missed the call. Apparently, Laquita-Dan is only open Tuesday-Friday. We'll see where that call takes us next week.
  2. I, too, emailed dan@Sprint.com and told him our issues in this area about an hour ago. I only mentioned possible interference and zero to negative snr dBm values. I also said that something needs to be brought to the attention of their engineers ASAP. I had to keep using the word "possible" because nobody has proof that that's the issue. I would just tell him what I said, and maybe been point them to this thread to get them up to speed.
  3. What if it's both USCC and tmo interference? Is that possible?
  4. It's the best theory that we have to date. Now, it just needs to be proven and fixed. Even though it has been an ongoing issue for approximately 6-8 weeks, we have to just assume Sprint knows about this (if it's truly the problem). Now we just play the waiting game.
  5. I got Legere to fix a nationwide network problem over the summer when I was on a one-month trial on tmus. He reads twitter and responds to customers daily. We need something like that.
  6. Right. There might even be impeding legal action. Who knows. They'll never come out and admit it, assuming this is the cause of slow speeds here.
  7. This is some good stuff, folks. Problem solving at work. It's a shame that it takes a handful of people on a forum to diagnose what their network issues are. A multi-billion dollar company in the middle of their biggest network upgrade in history, teams of engineers across the country, and it takes a forum to figure it out. ????
  8. Anyone know a good one to buy for a decent price? Links?
  9. He'll, I don't mind buying a spectrum analyzer, problem is, I wouldn't know what to look for.
  10. Neither of those are launched cities. Slow speeds and spotty coverage are expected.
  11. Has anyone travelled recently to another launched LTE market? I work way too much to travel, and I'm wondering how other markets are in real world use. I've read on here and other forums about how disgusted people in Houston are with data speeds.
  12. That image brings back bad memories. I checked that page 3 times a day for 5 weeks, waiting for my girlfriend's iPhone 5s to show a tracking number. Hang in there. When it appears, it's a glorious feeling.
  13. What do you mean verizon locks everything down? They're the only carrier that sells unlocked devices out of the box.
  14. I hate leaving my house to go to work. My house is an absolutely perfect sprint area. Speeds are lightning fast. It's strange that this network is so "feast or famine." I thought the glory of network vision was the ability to remotely tilt individual antennas and adjust power without having to send a crew. Strange that there are no improvements...ever.
  15. Ok. I need some help analyzing some field test screens from my iPhone. The first pair is from a known, 24/7 horrible data area in Chicago. The second, at my house in the suburbs where I consistently have a 20mbps LTE connection. First (bad): Second (excellent): If Someone with good knowledge of these numbers can let me know what they see, that would be great.
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