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Posts posted by Vince

  1. There are lots of different third party cloud services. I need the ease of use and OS implementation that Apple provides. It's just better, and the reason why I don't use android. If I want to backup my stuff, I don't want to have to do it through some other app with a separate login.



    Sent from my iPhone 6+

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  2. i have the 20 gb. Got it the day it was available because I was tired of deleting photos for back ups. Now I haven't changed my iCloud settings for a while and still have plenty of iCloud space.


    As for the beta photo library. How does that impact your battery? I take a lot of pictures, and I would hate to be in one of the less good areas here for service and have my battery drain 5% as it tries to upload a gigantic photo over slow LTE or 3G..... Especially if I take a lot of them at a time, which I often do. I think I had some 70 pics by the time I got off the safari ride at Disneys animal kingdom lol.



    Sent from my iPhone 6 using Crapatalk

    Photos and videos only upload on wifi. So if you're out, and take 30 pictures, you'll notice it says something along the lines of "30 photos to upload. Waiting for wifi connection." I also love it because it keeps everything in the right folders (if you use folders). It restores to an exact copy which is great because just adding the photos to the iCloud backup never did that.



    Sent from my iPhone 6+

  3. I use that for my photos. It's incredibly convenient and easy. I'm obsessed with having things backed up. It's also nice that it stores a smaller version of it on your phone which takes up much less space. When you open it, it downloads the full version. And, you can't beat 20gb for $1/month.



    Sent from my iPhone 6+

  4. I might switch over to the 2/100 offer, looks interesting. I wonder if the non lte data is also unlimited? i.e. is there a cap on 3.5g ?

    There is never a cap on the throttled data. That's how T-Mobile gets away with calling most of their plans "unlimited."



    Sent from my iPhone 6+

  5. I have the regular 6 but I just bought the 6+ and I love it (should have gotten it from the beginning) this phone feels more like a upgrade from the 5s. Anywho, I went to Apple and bought their silicon case which I really like when I also have a spigen case with the built in kickstand. I like that case also but it makes the phone look bigger and I hate that have to dig to get access to the ringer/silent switch. So what cases do people on here recommend who have the 6+?



    Sent from my iPhone 6+

    I've done the same thing. My plus comes in the mail tomorrow. Funny thing is, I bought that Spigen case with the kickstand, too. I also bought the Spigen thin air gunmetal, and the glas.tr screen protector. I hate cases, but I like the kickstand idea since I'll be enjoying media more on this monster of a phone. I'll probably use the thin case more often since it seems pretty bulky.



    Sent from my iPhone 6

  6. Last I checked a few months ago they were 10x10. The highest I've seen is 45 Mbps. Do you have any data that it's 15x15? I confirmed 10x10 back in August when my friend was using T-Mobile on her GS3. and I normally see around 15-30 mbps on average, which seems to be on par with B41 where backhaul isn't turned up.

    Oh, wow. You're right. For some reason, I was under the impression that we were 15x15. But I thought tmo in Chicago has 30mhz of aws?



    Sent from my iPhone 6

  7. FINALLY after MONTHS of waiting I saw workers in a bucket lift adding RRH's to their site on the water tower by my house. I'm excited to FINALLY get strong LTE signal and do an apples to apples comparison with Sprint from the comfort of my own home.

    I've been testing T-Mobile for the last 3 weeks on a $30 prepaid sim in a cheapo Samsung Galaxy Light. Speeds are, for the most part, solid. I don't see these speedtests everyone posts over on HoFo. We're a 15x15mhz market, and the fastest I've seen during that time (and believe me, all I'm doing is hammering speedtests) is 43/17 a few times. Is that average? Is it the phone or that fact that I'm prepaid? T-Mobile tech support is claiming that they no longer prioritize postpaid over prepaid when a tower is congested. I wonder if an iPhone 6 would perform better.



    Sent from my iPhone 6

  8. I am with you on that vince, Whoever comes up with the funniest one. If they aren't a sponsored member, I will pay for them to become one. If they are sponsored member. I will put money towards helping them get closer to achieving premier membership, if they are premier member. I will put money into fund that helps people who can't afford to become a sponsor right now. Either way, It is a win win all around for the site and possibility one member :D

    You're like the Chicago S4GRU Santa Claus.



    Sent from my iPhone 6

  9. Can anyone explain to me why in the heck you would need a 20+ megapixel camera? Wouldn't that result in a really big file for each photo taken.



    Because, the higher the number, the better the phone will sell. If manufacturers could stick a 50mp camera in a phone, they would. People think more is all that's required to make a camera better. Which is why the iPhone camera that blows the doors off almost all mobile cameras gets slammed for only being 8mp.



    Sent from my iPhone 6

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  10. I love the iPhone without a case also. I still haven't gotten to the point where I want to take my case off yet though lol.



    Sent from my iPhone 6 on Crapatalk

    It's hard to get used to. I personally hate the rounded edges. I miss those sharp, chamfered edges that provided nice grip on the 5/5s



    Sent from my iPhone 6

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