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Posts posted by Vince

  1. Anybody been using Passbook? I recently got a student debit card underneath my mom and I added it. The verification process is just as major drag.



    Sent from my shiny new Space Grey iPhone 6 using Tapatalk

    Yeah, it's fantastic, and it's on the top ten list why I'll never daily drive android. Other than the convenience of my debit card on Apple pay, I have several reward cards on there. We have a chain of gas stations (I believe they're in Michigan, too) called Speedway. It's my most used reward card, and whenever I'm near one, it shows up on the lock screen automatically. Swipe, and the QR code is there for the clerk to scan. I also buy movie tickets on fandango, and the tickets go into passbook to be scanned at the theater. And, Walgreens is the only store where I don't need a wallet in my pocket. When I'm at the register, my reward card is there, along with Apple pay to complete the purchase. I wish every business had Apple pay/reward cards in passbook.



    Sent from my iPhone 6+

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  2. Does it piss anyone else off that Apple doesn't have some kind of popup blocker/redirect blocker for these stupid websites that are allowed to open the App Store? I'm tired of reading websites, and then suddenly being prompted to download "clash of clans," "candy crush," or "draft kings."



    Sent from my iPhone 6+

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  3. Yes. It cycles between them much quicker. Now I don't even have to toggle airplane mode when I lose LTE because it picks it up pretty quick



    Sent from my iPhone 6 using Crapatalk

    When the phone first came out, it always grabbed LTE less than a minute after losing LTE. Then they released some kind of new carrier update that ruined that. Now it's back to that standard 5 minute scan.



    Sent from my iPhone 6+

  4. Move to Sponsors thread.

    Site ids might be tough because of not being sure what site serves an area. How about sponsor map screen shots with something drawn on the map? If there's a way to see if we've even had an optimization team come through here, I'd love to know.



    Sent from my iPhone 6+

  5. We can maybe get Sprint executives involved because B26 should have cleaned up all the 3G pockets. We need more information to see if it can be fixed before doing so. In those 3G pockets, any confirmed B26 from same site or nearby sites?

    Indeed. I think our market is at a point now where if you aren't getting band 26 from your closest site, you'll get it from the next. It's pretty widespread, and I'd say near 100% of the towers. I've been to every corner of this market and in between several times since March, and I've yet to not find band 26. It is possibly the phones. If signal on pcs is fading away, why isn't there an instruction to scan for 26? If you're on a very weak 25 signal and initiate a data transfer, why does it sit there and suffer when it would get better results from 26, usually falling on its face before grabbing 3G? Here's another nearly a year observation of mine, and it may be the sites are configured wrong: when sprints pcs block signal is getting low, i almost always see my phone jump to the former U.S. Cellular spectrum, which tends to be about 2-3dbm stronger on every site. It's almost always a scenario where it needs 26, and not a slightly stronger 25 carrier. That jump to the usc spectrum happens flawlessly. Maybe they're setup to grab the next carrier card slot on low signal, and that usc card is there, whereas other markets have 26 in that slot? I'm just a user and not a network technician, so maybe I'm way off.



    Sent from my iPhone 6+

  6. Could this be the result of sprints "shotgun fire" deployment ya think? Not able to tune neighboring sites right away?

    Who knows. We've been deployed for a little over 2 years now with band 26 for 9 months and nothing really seems different. Same dead spots/slow speeds/LTE drops/pocket 3G in the same places. I don't know if it's the network or phones not being able to deal with 3 different bands the way Sprint wants. I've had numerous phones on Sprint and for the most part, they behave the same way. T-Mobile launched LTE here 7/13 lightning fast and then optimized everything shortly thereafter, and it works great in this area. I want Sprint to win here, but it seems like they're in some sort of stall on network activity other than the rapid, and I mean REALLY rapid Sprint band 41 installations. Maybe they're waiting until that is done to optimize everything at once?



    Sent from my iPhone 6+

  7. Chinatown is still one of the last places in Chicago you'd wanna be caught using Sprint, unfortunately I spent the whole evening there and nothing's changed. Either unusable 3G or slow B26 or B25. They should focus in on this area (and around 33rd and Halsted) and make something happen to improve things.

    I think I would've been happy if there were more B41 but I didn't pick much up tonight.


    Outside of tonight I've been enjoying my service everywhere else. (Though many of the sites within "Spark Turbo" areas still are being limited by backhaul/site configuration and not able to reach more then 30 Mbps)

    I haven't been to Chinatown in quite some time. But it's easy to see why service could be poor around 33/Halsted. There was an LTE site over there that was deactivated/moved and the new site hasn't received LTE yet.



    Sent from my iPhone 6+

  8. The loads are already "spread out" naturally on a sector. If you are the only one and have a good airlink, you'll get close to maximum throughput. As more people join a sector, the loads are automatically spread out and depend greatly on airlink quality.


    I'm not sure what or why this is hurting anybody.



    Sent from my iPhone 6+ using Tapatalk

    Let's just play with some theoretical numbers. If you and I are on the same sector, and it has a max throughput of 70mbps download, and I'm downloading something massive that's using 60mbps. When you start using your phone, wouldn't you only be able to access to remaining 10, or does it chop my bandwidth down so that you and I have an equal share? Of course, this is theoretical, and airlink conditions are perfect.



    Sent from my iPhone 6+

  9. I actually agree with that because t mobile is actually throttling users who actually do illegal downloading ... I like that..

    I didn't really mean throttling abusive users (sorry if it read that way). What I meant was, every single person has a bandwidth cap while on band 41. Nobody needs to download at 120 whatever Mbps. Spread it out amongst everyone connected to that sector. Better usability, especially in crowded places will please more customers than just being able to rip a triple-digit speedtest for bragging rights.



    Sent from my iPhone 6+

  10. So I was in the sprint store in eastvale CA today and noticed that the phones on display were connected to band 41 but my iPhone 6 was on band 25. I airplane modes on and off and still no luck. I tried to call "##update#" but it would say "could not update" immediately after I pushed call. The tower is right across the street so it's not poor reception from distance. My friend has been having the same problem as well as my cousin. And I googled it and seems a lot of people are having problems like mine. Anyone else? Any fixes? Help?




    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    I think I've answered this in here before. Not sure if it was you. Sprint is aware of some new iPhones not being able to connect to band 41, or having a hard time holding the connection. Sprint claims that an update (carrier bundle) should be pushed to devices soon (so they claim) to rectify the problem. Other than being at the mercy of Sprint's software team, you could try and ask for a new SIM card from a Sprint store. Tell the rep what's going on, and that you think you may have a bad SIM. Also, ask them to reprovision your phone in their system. Make sure all the numbers (sim, imei, serial) match up. If that all fails, and doesn't solve your problem, take it to Apple, and explain your issue to them. They may be able to test the device for radio malfunction, and swap out your phone with a new one.



    Sent from my iPhone 6+

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  11. I hope that when Sprint launches multiple 20 mhz carriers and CA, that data hogs don't come back to Sprint. I mean, with 3 CA or even with 2 CA, the network can probably handle it....but still.

    I know that the speedtest app creates a stupid pissing contest amongst wireless customers, but I honestly feel that even at the point of multiple band 41 carriers/CA, no user should be allowed max bandwidth. Why not just cap it at a reasonable speed. Let everyone have a fair share of the available bandwidth, instead of one guy pulling 100mbps+ so that he can illegally feed his home ISP needs.



    Sent from my iPhone 6+

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  12. I wear relaxed fit cargo pants. The pockets are big enough for my 6 Plus, and are probably big enough for a Nexus 6. My iPad mini doesn't fit in the front pocket though, but at least in the back pocket it does halfway.

    Yeah, I just bought a new pair last weekend. I didn't do the 6+ pocket test until I got home because I forgot, and I had the phone in a coat pocket. About 1" of the phone sticks out of the front pocket. Oh well. #firstworldproblems



    Sent from my iPhone 6+

  13. I guess no one wants to challenge vince for the caption contest, I will extend it to sunday if that helps. Otherwise vince is the winner lol

    And I didn't even create a caption. I'm not good at these, but I'll take a stab...


    I think we need a caption contest.




    Sent from my iPhone 6

    "Look at this 65/12 speedtest from up here! Ok, I'm ready to come down now. My brain feels hot."


    Sent from my iPhone 6+

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  14. Anyone use Dropbox? I got in on a promo awhile ago so I have 50gb to use for I think 2 years and I only have 3% used up. Never had any issues with it and it works on any OS so for those that hop between devices it's perfect.

    I use it for various things. Since it works with everything, I sometimes use it instead of a USB memory stick just because it's so easily accessible from most places.



    Sent from my iPhone 6+

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