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Posts posted by PythonFanPA

  1. Is this Fantasy Football?  Never tried playing it before.


    No, just picking game winners and assigning confidence points based on how sure, or unsure, you are that the team you're picking will win.


    Fantasy Football would be difficult here, depending on how many people wanted to try and play together.  Chances are strong there'd be enough interest that would necessitate multiple leagues, and it's not as much fun (to me at least) if everyone isn't swimming in the same virtual pool, so to speak.

    • Like 1
  2. I went to school and was amazed by all my new white friends who had never heard of Kool and the Gang, the Gap Band or anything like that. I would sing songs and they would look at me like I was from another planet. But it made it easier for me to become friends with African Americans and Puerto Ricans. Rural Florida in the 1980's. Fun times!


    (1.)  Kool and the Gang remains to this day one of the biggest musical mysteries of all time to me - they were hugely popular for a fair stretch, and then they seemed to suddenly drop off the face of the planet and were getting no airplay except the established classic hits.


    (2.)  The biggest example of all where I grew up, though they didn't have the longevity of a Kool and the Gang, was Midnight Star.  The album with Freakazoid and No Parking On The Dance Floor was *INSANELY* popular when I was in junior high.  To the point that being able to find a tape (yeah, it was in either the pre-CD or very very very early beginnings of the CD era) of that album was rare, and if you had it it was like you could fart gold and rainbows and people would love you.

    • Like 1
  3. I love that song.  My mom used to play that song all the time when I was kid.  I like driving my kids nuts with it, now.  That, and Word Up.


    The wife and I often queue up the My80's station on iHeartRadio when on longer trips - everytime it happens to be played we go nuts with it.


    Unfortunately my mom was never cool enough to listen to stuff like that....as a kid, *I* was subjected to George and Tammy and the like.  Maybe if I was lucky, some 50's doo-wop/American Grafitti type stuff.

    • Like 1

    Thanks Robert....yeah, not nearly as interesting as I was imagining possible in my head  ;) 


    I actually had a former coworker when I worked for the state run a state van just barely off the road enough in a hilly/windy stretch with almost no curb/wiggle room that he lost control and flipped it down the side of the hill and totaled it (fortunately he came out of it with only bruises/scratches) - when I first read your comment my mind was hearkening back to that and wondering if it were a scenario where you were so engrossed in monitoring the results on your phone that you just momentarily had a similar 'Oops!' happen. 

    • Like 2
  5. Either way, because of Brightstar, I doubt that Marcelo's bank account will be hurting.


    These guys must love money -- or the pursuit of money.


    As I work in education, I make less than $50,000 per year.  But I have the time and money to do what I want to do -- such as research and write for S4GRU.  Even if I made 100 times my earnings, I do not think I would live my life that differently.  Maybe I would just buy every handset released, set up my own RF testing lab, and publish the results for free.




    I can only truly speak for myself, but I'd be willing to wager that if any of the regular membership here ever won the lottery, we'd be more than willing to spot you the funding for that.  

    • Like 10
  6. I even totaled a car going up and checking it out last October.  


    Two conflicting thoughts here:


    (a.)   I'm thoroughly impressed at the level of dedication demonstrated by the occurrence you reference above.


    (b.)  That being said and at the same time....you simply can not open up and drop a bomb like that without elaborating.  I've got to hear the story behind that one (even if the details actually turn out to be a dud)!

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