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Everything posted by PythonFanPA

  1. Not sure if I'd be able to make it or not for the chat, but best of luck to everyone in the running!
  2. There's a chance if they've at least seen the original Ghostbusters! Greeting (e-)Card
  3. (fudging with the K a bit, but worth it)
  4. Package Tracker https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.orrs.deliveries&hl=en
  5. I thought there was a way to make a sort of cross-forum thread link here (S4GRU) before such that if you clicked on a thread link in a given forum, it auto-directed you to the post in another forum (I may have used the wrong term with 'crossposting', so my apologies if so). I know I've seen this ability in other forums, and thought I'd seen it used here as well, but its entirely possibly I'm just remembering wrong about having seen it done here.
  6. https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2017/05/net-neutrality-goes-down-in-flames-as-fcc-votes-to-kill-title-ii-rules/
  7. Robert, is there a way you could make a cross-link post to this thread from the General forum since it gets most of the traffic?
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