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Everything posted by PythonFanPA

  1. I totally missed this yesterday, but I hope Robert celebrated appropriately!
  2. Gecko Lighting (No joke - this is actually a real thing, lest something thinks this is a Photoshop job: https://www.shadesoflight.com/products/eco-gecko-sconce-with-leaf-shade?sku=SCC1045+++MU&product_id=SCC1045MU&adpos=1o1&creative=72522552152&device=c&matchtype=&network=s&gclid=CMKs2bPO99QCFQsQaQodPLQKBQ ) )
  3. You're probably right to some extent - though B25/26 were both pretty snappy as long as you could hang on to them, no issues there at all. B41 just behaved like there was no backhaul whatsoever, totally dead/non-responsive, not that it was slow as a dinosaur or something along those lines - kind of like if you connected to a WiFi router at home or someone's house and you were only feet away and had a very strong signal/connection, but there would be no cable/DSL modem feeding into it. Granted, the experience of too many mouths/not enough virtual food with mobile cells may be that way, but I suppose I would have expected some sort of ebb and flow where at least sometimes you could get some kind of sluggish responsiveness and sometimes nothing - this was consistent long-term 'nothing' every single time you connected to it no matter how long you tried anything.
  4. LTE wasn't unusable - there was something specifically wonky/wrong with the B41 carrier. Everything else was fine.
  5. Anyone live in/near or frequent the Lititz area? We were there yesterday for the 200th anniversary 4th of July celebration at Lititz Springs Park; all day long, both mine and my wife's phone would end up shunted to B41 over 25/26 - which under proper circumstances I'd have preferred, but for whatever reason the B41 carrier there was completely non responsive. Actual signal was fine, but absolutely no throughput at all. If I had a nickel for every time I cycled airplane mode to temporarily connect back to B25/26 yesterday I'd be rich.
  6. (seriously, can we stop going back to Seattle for at least a couple months now? )
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