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Everything posted by PythonFanPA

  1. Ah, nostalgia. My first smartphone (which pales to call it that by comparison to today) was the old HTC Fuze WinMo 6 phone when I was still on AT&T. My first true (by modern standard) smartphone was when I switched to Sprint - the beloved Samsung Epic 4G QWERTY slider. I've long since left behind any regrets of not having physical keyboard options when you get down to it, but I'd be lying if I said there wasn't a part of me that didn't still miss those days.
  2. Time to break out the investor quote for awhile - "Past performance is not a predictor of future results"
  3. (sorry on the Floor Plan repeat above, apparently when I posted that I didn't notice there was another new page of responses already)
  4. Yep, I know. This begs the obvious question of, is the phone going to be available in Blue, such that users can say they have an LG Blue Velvet phone? 😂
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