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Everything posted by Virtualbot

  1. Corn bread Sent from my Rooted Galaxy Note II using Forum Runner
  2. But do you still have to go one by one to restore data with Titanium Backup? Also, what happens with AppBak when it makes a backup list, but the developer pulled their software from the Market?
  3. I agree with you AJ, people do lie all the time about their bill with wanting charges reversed etc. I worked for Sprint from 2003-2007. I guess I was sympathizing with JoeJoeJoe in his case cause it sucks to have surprise charges on a bill. I re-read his OP and I think he should have put the phone in Airplane mode and just re-enabled Wifi to keep his phone from connecting to any towers. Once his phone connected with a tower there, then yes, those charges for data/voice are valid and I can see why Sprint did what they did. Again, this is something I'll have to be aware of when I take my trip this summer. Might just snag a Nexus 4 before going and leave my GN2 at home.
  4. I think my biggest issue with ROMs is having to fully format the device before installing. It was fun at first to try out all these ROMs to see what they did, but now that I'm on Rooted Stock, I no longer find it fun to reinstall all my apps and resetup all my accounts on my phone. I had to fully reinstall everything the other day since the LK8 update I did didn't update properly, kept freezing once it got to the Home screen. I use Titanium Backup, but I always find myself just scrolling through the list of programs that have been backed up and picking one by one which one I want reinstalled since I don't want to reload the phone with apps that I probably don't use anymore. The whole process of getting back to 'normal' took me about two hours to do.
  5. That stinks... I have a GN2 which has the options that the GS3 has... nice to know since I'm planning a trip to Canada this summer and I don't want to be stuck with those charges! Sucks that Sprint is unwilling to remove them should they exist on your bill, especially if it's unintentional.
  6. Hitch a ride Sent from my Rooted Galaxy Note II using Forum Runner
  7. Magazine subscription Sent from my Rooted Galaxy Note II using Forum Runner
  8. Uncommon outcomes Sent from my Rooted Galaxy Note II using Tapatalk 2.
  9. Fish sticks Sent from my Rooted Galaxy Note II using Forum Runner
  10. Played around with Jellybomb, but mostly now-a-days, I just stick with Rooted Stock. I wish there were more ROMs available, but I can understand there not being many until the price of the phone comes down.
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