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Status Updates posted by thedoctor1971

  1. So ready to go home. One more hour.

  2. Rainy day. Could so fall back asleep if I didn't have to work later.

  3. Going to hide under my pillow until sanity returns. Could be a while. -_-

  4. Was going to bed when I realized I'd accidentally skipped an episode of Stargate Atlantis. That just wouldn't do...

  5. Help newborn Kaiya Gabrielle Mack born with Gastroschisis http://t.co/RLtsufdko5 via @FundRazr

  6. Oh, apparently I'm wrong. It's the guy from Sanctuary. Hmm.

  7. Ordered new glasses from Walmart. They bought back my old ones. Nice.

  8. Either we're at war, it's construction or @TeamREDSTONE is blowing things up again.

  9. The joys of presbyopia.

  10. Seeing @dhewlett get shot in the ass on Stargate Atlantis was possibly the funniest thing yet.

  11. BBC News - Record snowfall in northern Japan http://t.co/pZIg27qzVG

  12. It'd be nice if @Spotify would get around to letting the Android app do landscape. It's annoying having to turn my head sideways in the car.

  13. Tiny snowflakes falling again. Brr.

  14. Feeling a might peckish. Sandwich time. Should go well with the acid in my stomach.

  15. I'm getting snowed on. Wtf?

  16. Woohoo, congrats :) RT @Jess_Haines: Big congrats to @msghoulez and @kimbacaffeinate! You've won the Forsaken by the Others ARC giveaway!

  17. Watching SG Atlantis. Is that @JewelStaite as a young wraith or am I confused? Didn't realize she was so tiny.

  18. The local meat market had some interesting BBQ seasonings. One was called "Rub your Butt" another... http://t.co/ihnGhvl2Yu

  19. Being new to eyeglasses, how does the rest of the vision impaired world keep their glasses clean? Aside from the obvious "don't touch them".

  20. Just watched @cbgirl19 do a movie review for 2013 movies. Holy shit, she's hysterical. http://t.co/yul7ihjygj

  21. Inspirational video by Zuckerberg, @BillGates, @iamwill, @ChrisBosh, @Jack Dorsey & other heroes. http://t.co/vDXGNmHd6a #CODE

  22. Tried to take this shot without waking her up. Sleepy kitty. http://t.co/6Za2zx3HMt

  23. If there were an award for speaking techno babble at a rapid pace, @dhewlett could win it.

  24. Either @TeamREDSTONE is at it again or its the construction across the street. #boom

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