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Posts posted by djw39

  1. ^^^THIS. LTE handoffs have been a huge issue for me, as I live at the edge of an LTE cell and flop back and forth between LTE and Ev-DO. I was actually going to post something about this tomorrow, to ask why we don't have eHRPD.

    Well I am glad to hear it is not just me. I was uncertain if this was just because I am running CM11 or if it was a thing with the network in Charlotte. At least I an finally getting LTE uptown.


    Sent from my LG-LS970 using Tapatalk



  2. Ping times on 3G are still very high and speeds are low.  What were those 107 updates specifically?

    This does appear to be the massive update I was waiting for, they have finally 3G accepted most of the remaining towers inside I-485. I think there are still two sites uptown that haven't been touched, and some others near where I live that are shown as 3G only, but this was an incredible update.


    Now, in practice, I'm uptown now and connecting to EV-DO Rev. A in areas where it used to say eHRPD, and latest speed test was 8.5 kB/s, so evidently this stuff is not truly up and running just yet. And no sign of LTE. We shall see...

  3. Why would it?...same battery tech, 700mAh less.

    I'm not even sure it's the same tech: I recall the G2 had some kind of dedicated RAM in the display that enabled it to refresh itself? Supposedly saving battery. Does the Nexus include this as well?


    Sent from my LG-LS970 using Tapatalk



  4. When in uptown a few months ago it was hit or miss... But last month out there we had it most of the time.... But that is irrelevant as you seem to have decided on Verizon... And that is fine (heck, along with keeping Sprint I am getting Verizon next month so it would be hypocritical of me to judge you -- I just can't imagine only having a phone with metered data)...

    (I'm not jumping to Verizon, that's somebody else.) There is one tower just outside of uptown that is broadcasting 4G so you can sometimes get a signal, but the main sites in the city have not yet been upgraded. And definitely no coverage indoors.


    Sent from my LG-LS970 using Tapatalk 4



  5. The thing that bothers me about your post is... you took the time to research Sprint well, you became a sponsor... you have since come to realize that the ENTIRE FREAKIN' AREA around you is loaded with LTE... Yes, Rock Hill is behind.. but they do not have anything else to do but you... Just a bit longer dude!

    Sure...wake me up when there is LTE uptown


    Sent from my LG-LS970 using Tapatalk 4



  6. I believe Google said they were going to release a lot of moto x refreshes so if you wait until the end of the year you might get lucky with a moto x2 with triband


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 4

    People have to get off this fantasy that Sprint will "refresh" a phone with additional LTE bands. There may be a new Motorola phone before next summer but it will be either 5+ inches, or a low-cost variant, or have a keyboard or something.


    Sent from my LG-LS970 using Tapatalk 4



  7. Ars, for better or worse, is largely an Apple fanboi site when it comes to handset and tablet reviews these days. Notice the lack of emphasis on battery life and SOC performance, where the G2 would thoroughly smoke the current iPhone. Gone are the days of the "system guide" for DIY, outside the forums (which are still worthwhile for the most part). So I'd take anything on the front of Ars pertaining to Android (or WP or BB) with a grain of salt. Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4


    The review in question was written by Ron Amadeo, formerly of Android Police. In no way could he be described as an Apple "fanboi".

  8. I just think Sprint wouldn't allow Google to sell it off contract for $300-$400 if they can charge $100 + 2yr contract, or even $200 + 2yr contract.

    How did it work with T-Mobile and the Nexus 4? I'm thinking it is $350 off contract and $200 on. Which will kind of feel like a ripoff either way, strangely...


    Sent from my LG-LS970 using Tapatalk 4



  9. I highly doubt it. I am not sure what the "ev" in "evleaks" is supposed to mean, but the name is obviously a copycat of WikiLeaks.


    But these device leaks are not the kind of info that prompt law enforcement and/or prosecution. If anything, the OEMs enjoy the fevered anticipation and free publicity.



    Guys he is not secret, his name is Evan Blass and he is profiled at the link in my last post. He was a senior editor at Engadget and managing editor at pocketnow for many years.


    Sent from my LG-LS970 using Tapatalk 4



  10. Evleaks is usually pretty solid, but they seem to be wrong on this one. It may not be a Nexus, but it definitely isn't the G2.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 4

    I agree, the evidence demonstrated here on S4GRU is more comprehensive and convincing. The evleaks screenshot may just have placeholder photos, it's not persuasive at all


    Sent from my LG-LS970 using Tapatalk 4



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