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Posts posted by djw39

  1. I set it up as an access point and all good. Not sure what to do with my evenings now if I'm really all done messing with networking stuff...

    Actually, scratch that. I am having all kinds of problems with the handoff from one router to the other. Log shows "received packet with own address as source address". Some reports on snbforums that firmware updates from Asus have fixed this but who knows if we'll get those on the Sprint version.

    Anyone else seeing this?

  2. I have three lines, we typically go to 5 GB or less altogether. I cut us down to 8 GB shared when I realized the only months when we went over that (max 10.3 GB ) were when I was downloading custom roms over LTE. If I just don't do that we can save a ton of money. At one point we were paying close to $200 a month for three lines, now it's down to $115

  3. That's what I was told, but yet its possible. Have you also tried bridging the modem and passing everything to the router?

    Yes my modem is bridged. I tried switching my routers so the TP-Link Archer C8 is the main router, and the Airave connects through that just fine. So it is definitely an issue with the Sprint router, or at least how I configured it.

    I might do a factory reset and give it another shot, but I also can just use the WiFi connect as a second access point until all the phones in the house have WiFi calling and I can ditch the Airave.

  4. Nothing special at all. Just connected the Airave like its another device on the router. Just make sure you connect the Airave to the WAN port. (Closes to the power plug)

    While that setup has worked for me in the past, it is not working since I got all this new equipment. Thanks for verifying that it should be possible to get it working, at least. (Sprint customer service said their two boxes would not be able to work together going modem-router-airave)
  5. My thinking is that the QoS settings specific to Sprint's WiFi-calling are really a rather minor part of this offer. It's more that for people with, say, a single-band netgear router from several years ago, this should be a pretty substantial upgrade for their home network. Or for people such as myself who have one nice router, but can use this to set up a second access point for better in-home WiFi coverage, it's also quite a nice upgrade.


    It is mostly having a better home WiFi network which will enable a better WiFi-calling experience. The QoS settings are probably nice to have but not essential--with a reasonably fast broadband connection and an up-to-date router you should have a good experience using WiFi calling even without custom QoS. The success of this program is in creating goodwill which should improve customer retention, and Sprint definitely achieves that with the group here.


    My curiosity with the firmware was more along the lines of why did sprint disable those specific features in their firmware in the first place? Could they negatively be affecting any of the Wi-Fi calling aspects, or was it just a choice of the head for the project saying, meh they don't need those?

    Also does anyone know if you can do a dump of the firmware? I'd like to be able to try and dig into it to see why they made their choices on features.

    Edit: had another thought

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  6. Sprint sent me both a new Airave (2.5) and the WiFi Connect router. The Airave is still blinking red on mobile, and my wife's iPhone 5s won't connect to the network for WiFi calling either. I called Airave support this morning and the guy had me reboot things for an hour with no success.


    Anyone else have tips on getting WiFi calling working on an iPhone and/or proper configuration of Airave with the WiFi connect?

    AJ would you still object to discussions about hacking the firmware on the router if the objective is to set high priority in QoS for the Airave?

  7. I stuck with the Optimus G for a long time until I got the G2 late last year. Each was purchased used for ~$150. I can't see myself spending any more than that on a phone for the foreseeable future. Maybe if there's a good Nexus or Moto X later this year I'll buy it in winter 2016 or something. But so far this year's phones seem pretty comparable to the G2 still.

  8. [Mine comes tomorrow!] Does this generally prioritize all voice traffic, or does it have something specific to Sprint's WiFi calling prioritized? I also have an Airave and a Voip box (Ooma Telo), have to decide whether to put them upstream or downstream of the router, and if I need to forward UDP ports etc. I think if the WiFi Connect router is setting all voice to high priority, I will just attach the extra boxes and not worry about it

  9. I have both. Make sure the Airave is tied to a different than the primary line and it's fine it seems. My Airave is used by my parents and their home, wifi connect used at my house.


    I ordered the WiFi connect without issue today, no mention of the Airave on the call. What a neat perk, I'll be excited to see how it works. I'm going to run a 100ft ethernet cable to chain my routers up and set up multiple access points, like a boss.

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