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Everything posted by utiz4321

  1. How many b41 sites are up? I am hardly ever on any, is Phoenix itself littered with b41?
  2. I think it is generally pretty fair to rank sprint down at the bottom of lte coverage and speeds in a great many markets. The key to sprint having a competitive network has always been the deployment of lte across all three bands (adding more cells would help too) and they are not even close to completing this. Until then sprint's network will continue to under perform the competition.
  3. If you read it carefully it doesn't in fact say that your plan will change if you get a new phone, just that they can not garuantee that it won't change should you get a new phone as with sprint's other national plans. The wording is a hedge against them forcing you to change the plan not a statement of fact that they will change your plan.In fact reading the FAQs it states you can both add lines and upgrade on these plans.
  4. I wonder how these test results would change if they did more indoor tests. I think T-Mobile would sink, sprint might even take a hit.
  5. Yeah, I am supper disappoint in the nations strongest network branding. I mean, what does that mean?
  6. I think the problem is that sprint had a later start and was unable to meet their time table. This failure and the fact that NV 1.0 is still not complete (in my market there a 12 or so sites that haven't even been touched. Making lte coverage very spotty.) and that the competition isn't standing still has made the whole NV project something of a flop for sprint. Hopefully NV 2.0 turns out different but sprint is badly placed.
  7. I no the math doesn't work out for you, but if sprint continued the plan you are on and countinued to offer subsidies on it they would fold. Enjoy the gravy train while you can it is going away.
  8. Again that goes back to the rep. I have seen it done and have used his line to explain it to people in personal circles and it works. Once people understand that they always paid for the phone, it was just hidden in the plan they get it. People aren't stupid they are just ignorant and that is where education comes in and from what I have seen from Att their reps do a great job.
  9. Then your not explaining it right. People have always paid full price for their phone. The old pricing plans had the handset subsity built into then, now they removed that from the plans and you can choose when to put a phone payment in. This is the line used by a really good rep. I know and his customer understand what is happening and the plans.
  10. People who can't add will be unhappy. AT&T for one wants to move to unsubsidized phones and is making a big push to educate customers in the differences. For the most part it is working for them quite well.
  11. Sure. But to my knowledge it hasn't happened yet and T-Mobile has been subsidy free for almost two years now. It is hard to see what a third party would have to gain but this is a realitivily new model so all sorts of things are possible.
  12. And your account is part of the reason sprint's margins are below industry standards.
  13. If subsidies go away you won't be able to renew your contract through any Chanel. Can't wait for that day,
  14. The speeds are usable for web browsing. Look unlimited data you have you just don't get unlimited 4g data.
  15. I hope you are not conflating debt with an ability to afford. If you can afford your bills that you rack up you can afford what you've bought. involuntary churn is rather low which would suggest that neither the carrier nor the consumers are getting phones into people's hands that they can not afford. All consumer debt does is push up consumption and the carrier 0 percent financing actually makes bargain.
  16. Bro I seriously don't know how any one can help you with this. You seemed determined to believe Sprint is some how penalizing you and that is not the case. The plan is 60 dollars, they are offering a promotional discount if you buy the phone they want you to buy. If you buy a different phone you pay the regular price of the plan. If the plan price was 50 and they charge you 60 (all else being equal) to go with the phone you want then you would have a case for being penalized but that is not what is happening. My car example is perfect, if the dealership is offering 1000 rebate off one model and not the other no one in their right mind would say the dealership is penalizing you for going with the car you want. They simply don't have the rebate offer on the car you want. But hey I guess some people need to be consumer martyrs.
  17. Not really. If I offer you 1000 off buying car A and nothing off car B I am simply offering you a deal of car A. You can elect not to go with car A but hey that is called being a consumer and making choices. I don't understand consumers making themselves into victims, it's called a market and you have choices. This is just one more choice.
  18. I don't get this logic. The price of the plan is 60. They are offering you 10 dollars Off if you buy an iPhone. They aren't punishing anyone. They are simply have different offers for different phones. I think making plans phone dependant isn't the best way to go, but they are not punishing you. The phone you want simply has a different rate plan.
  19. I think the most troubling part of that article is that they read sprint's comments on 2.5 the same way I did, as a pull back.
  20. So if I have an existing framily plan with three open lines can I add a line to my exist framily on my account?
  21. So can't you get a new phone every year? That means over two years you will pay 480 for two phones at 650 a piece. That means you paid 480/1300=.37 of the cost of the phones.
  22. I haven't read the write up but I will. I didn't interporate his comments that way though and in conjunction with with saw's comments about smart deployments on the last quarterly call I think Sprint might be taking a less ubiquitous 2.5 strategy.
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