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Everything posted by utiz4321

  1. I don't think sprint has figure out/implemented proper load balancing. At least that has been my experience.
  2. Shouldnt your call hand off to 800 when 1900 because unusable?
  3. You do have it backwards, it's ATT's network that can lift the two tons over its head.
  4. I am sorry I might have missed something reading through your posts, how doss net neutrality accomplish this?
  5. Why should either care who gets what share of the profits in this industry?
  6. Well my argument is only as specious as yours, after all there is no content if a channel doesn't exist to bring people to it. It is a symbiotic relationship as all market relations are. As far what the public wants that is expressed in what the public is willing to pay for, but the public doesn't care about the distribution of profits nor really should they, they should just pay for what they want. Further, the public might want things like Pandora not to count against their data, I don't know, the market will reward T-Mobile if true. As far as fiber or coax cable being our property I just do see any justification for that statement. If you mean airwaves "we" sold the rights to those and make any future airwaves less valuable by turning isps into utilities for little gain to the public and big gain to special interests (content providers).
  7. All net neutrality does is shift the profits around from those that provide access to content to content providers and insures things like content providers can't pay for the customers not to have "free" (ie not use data that they pay for) to their content. Honestly, it does no good to the consumer and never understood why it is so popular I think it is because all the content creators (ie every website in existence) has an incentive to promote it because the profits of the industry shifts to them. But I think a market model would in the end provide more net consumer welfare than a state regulated utility model, after all just look at all the problems there are with innovations in the utility sectors.
  8. or incetivizing you to choose easy pay and the new plans. The hand writing is on the wall for the traditional subsidy model, people complained and complained about how wireless companies where scamming them into rip off contracts and now the industry is moving to no contracts and people complain about pay the cost of the phone. in the end nothing is changing on the price of things overall the money is just getting shift around and the industry is becoming more transparent with the cost of the equipment and that is a good thing.
  9. This would bring Sprint inline with att and vzw who have had the 24 month requirement in place for more than two years now. The carriers just need to end subsidies all together, it would simplify their offerings.
  10. I don't think seemless handoffs between cdma and volte is possible.
  11. Just wanted to say thanks. I love the beta app. Do you have plans to add the physical cell Id to the app?
  12. This is good news. I would like to see a time frame but adding ~9000 sites would bring sprint's more in line with the competition in terms of destiny.
  13. Who said anything about faking anything. An end user experience on a wireless network doesn't easily translate into something another end user will experience because of the difference in where, when and how the two end users utilize their service. When comparing two networks the only thing you can say really is one works better for me, where I am at and with how i use the service, Generalizing beyond that is kind of pointless.
  14. 8t8r won't do anything for dropped calls. If that is your issue and 800 has been deployed an optimized then the only solution would be another tower and who knows when/if that will happen. All carriers have areas where they drop calls even on major highway and in major metros sprint will be no exception.
  15. This is also not true. I currently finance an iPhone and used an HTC. When I switch the phone online it always pops up with a warning that that will happen but it doesn't. I have confirmed with sprint that you can use whatever phone you want.
  16. Not true. Devices on sprint are unlocked after three months whether unpaid or undercontract. On Att a device undercontract will not be unlock unless the contract is fulfilled, so it is easier to get a phone unlocked with installments. As far as resell it doesn't matter at all.
  17. Yeah that plan is under priced. On installments you own the phone when you walk out of the store in the same way you own anything you put on a credit card. I seriously don't get this you don't own the phone business. If I buy a steak on a credit card I don't own it only when I pay it off, I can grill and eat it right away.
  18. The last fcc docs I have seen said Maricopa was suppose to have the cost estimate done by June first. I can't believe they have to much time to vacate Sprints spectrum left.
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