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Everything posted by utiz4321

  1. I wonder if there is a similar problem with HD voice and iPhone when you have google voice integration activated on your line. My problem is that I seem to be able to connect on a HD voice call when I am calling someone on sprint locally but not if the live in a market with a different equipment vendor than mine.
  2. So, it sounds like the only thing holding them up is getting the board of supervisors to stamp approved on the last proposal. Why is that so hard?
  3. Installments are not the money maker, because the phones don't make the carriers money. It makes customer more sticky to their money maker, which is the service. That is what Apple is taking away from the carriers and it is a pretty big deal in my opinion.
  4. What does completed mean? No wireless network, that I am aware of is completed.
  5. Yeah, I never connect with my brother on an hd voice call. But always do with my wife and we are both on the same account. It is super weird and I have no idea why it happens that way.
  6. Sprint already demoed gigabit plus speeds over wireless about two years ago.
  7. I forgot where I heard this (it was probably here) but isn't there a chance that if they use CA between b41 and b25 then they can only use the b25 for uplink wasting the b41 uplink. That seems like a limitation that would make for some very poor uplink speeds.
  8. Yes, but there is nothing in that which claims that will always be the case.
  9. Sorry for misunderstanding your vagueness. In any case I doubt seriously they will keep the two pricing forever for legacy customers. By the end of the year it will probably be gone. You only have to look at the example of T-Mobile and VZW.
  10. From you. You said you thought you where going to have to switch providers if they told you to go pound sand on the two year subsidies. sprint has said the ending of the two year contracts won't happen until the end of 2015 anyway, after that point I would be surprised if they let you or anyone else on a legacy plan get a subsidy.
  11. Who were you going to switch to? So you insanely cheap plan became slightly more expensive but still way cheaper than the competition so your response would be to leave to another company and pay even more? That doesn't make any sense.
  12. You know I don't know why people assume that everyone wants speed caps. I don't, I would rather have overages and countinue to be able to use data the way I want to.
  13. Yeah, the reporters both seemed to want to play the got you game. I mean the one guy, "what about falling arpu" but "your arpu isn't low enough" (paraphrased). They kind of sucked.
  14. I live in a market with of b26 but two b25 carriers and plenty of b41 live, for the most part the experience is good. The best sprint has been in years. If they improve site spacing and launch b26 the service will be stellar, not to mention CA, small cells and all the rest of the improvement sprint has around the Corner.
  15. iPhone has stayed the same, Samsung tried a price rise but drop the price 4 months after launch to a lower price than the s5 sold for.
  16. Then the other plan offerings won't be so bad for you.
  17. If I remember correctly sprint's arpu+installments/lease was in the mid to low 60s. Also, if I remember correctly an ED family plan maxed out carries an arpu of ~45 or so.
  18. That isn't a good analogy. A better one is if you to a gas station and you paid a lower price for gas than everyone else at that station. I am not blaming you I am just saying the fact that what you pay for wireless service with sprint might move up more toward the average of what everyone else pays for the same service isn't something that bothers me.
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