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Everything posted by RedSpark

  1. Go Marcelo! https://twitter.com/marceloclaure/status/864885689913049088 Bring on that 5G goodness!
  2. Tell the owner if you got better coverage you'd spend more time at the bar and spend more money on drinks. :-) It would be true, right?
  3. Perhaps the bar would benefit from a Magic Box? Talk to the owner and tell him/her it's free and would benefit all Sprint customers.
  4. Just saw that Marcelo posted this on Twitter: https://twitter.com/marceloclaure/status/864477637103816704 "Will be in DC for govt meetings Will do a 5 mile run on Thurs 18 at 6 25 am at 16th and K. Sprint partners join?"
  5. RedSpark

    HTC U Ultra

    $50 Promo Promo Codes for HTC Website are going up online: LOVEU11 or ONLY4U11 or JUST4U11 $649 minus $50 = $599 for a Flagship Device is a great deal... if you like it in Blue. :-)
  6. http://newsroom.sprint.com/news-releases/sprint-to-support-next-generation-iot-devices-across-its-nationwide-network.htm "SANTA CLARA, Calif. (BUSINESS WIRE), May 16, 2017 - Today at IoT World 2017, Sprint (NYSE: S) announced it will complete its deployment of LTE Cat 1 technology across its nationwide network by the end of July 2017. In addition, Sprint announced plans to begin deploying LTE Cat M in mid-2018 followed by LTE Cat NB1." Also: "The company is the seventh largest provider of IoT devices in the world." Had no idea!
  7. Airave 3 LTE will hopefully be released in the next month or so from what I've heard.
  8. Is the propagation of signal/square footage covered (Approximately 30,000 Square Feet Indoors and 100 Meters Outdoors) by the Magic Box greater than that from an 802.11ac Wi-Fi router?
  9. Just because Sprint wouldn't go by two names doesn't mean that it wouldn't be called its old name by people after a "rebrand".
  10. The Sprint name will never be gone after a rebrand. Just like Xfinity is still called Comcast by many.
  11. I'm all in favor of Sprint being a better advocate for itself through more effective advertising. Sprint's NASCAR/NBA Sponsorships were extremely expensive and didn't actually improve the network. Self-Marketing (like my signage idea) can be more targeted and cost-effective. I think the Domino's-Style Campaign you suggested would be a real winner. Sprint's current marketing message is that its reliability is within 1% of Verizon. At this point, I think it has the opposite effect Sprint wants it to have. Compete on price. Say "works for me". Mention new network technology like HPUE and Carrier Aggregation. I think it's time to drop the 1% marketing message.
  12. No amount of rebranding can change the baggage that a company brings with it. There's no starting fresh these days. People are one internet article away from reading about how "Sprint" is now "Company X" with a new name. Any money spent on a rebrand is a waste and takes away from improving the actual product. However, I do completely agree with your idea for Sprint to do a Domino's-Style Campaign... For those who haven't seen it: However, it shouldn't happen until Sprint has feature parity as the other carriers with VoLTE deployed.
  13. Sprint doesn't need a rebrand. Instead, it needs much better branding for coverage investments it makes. For example, if a DAS or other Coverage enhancing equipment is deployed, make the Sprint branding much more visible on it. Also, put up signs/stickers on locations that have Sprint equipment for Coverage. When customers on other carriers aren't getting good reception in an area, and they notice that Sprint has a posted sign which says something like "You'd be getting better coverage here if you switched to Sprint", they might reconsider their current choice of wireless carrier.
  14. I agree. I don't think it makes any sense to do a rebrand. Rebranding doesn't work as well as it used to. People are now able to see right through it. Look at Comcast which has tried to become Xfinity. People still call it Comcast... and the bad reputation Comcast has followed it through the "rebrand". Also, it's very expensive to do a rebrand. That money would be better spent on real CapEx to upgrade the worst performing cell sites, to expand coverage to reduce roaming costs in highly trafficked areas, or to pay down debt.
  15. Qualcomm, SoftBank and Sprint Announce Collaboration on 2.5 GHz 5G http://newsroom.sprint.com/news-releases/qualcomm-softbank-and-sprint-announce-collaboration-on-25-ghz-5g.htm No mention of Intel.... Hmmm.
  16. Typical BGR. I'm a huge fan of http://archive.is for sharing articles from certain sites: It also means that the original site doesn't receive clicks/views.
  17. Follow Marcelo's Twitter: https://twitter.com/marceloclaure He often posts pictures of his trips.
  18. I agree with you that at this point, the Tidal investment and Pokemon Go campaign hasn't really seemed to do anything substantial... or at least it seems that way. We haven't heard a word about Tidal since Sprint's investment, except for some free subscription codes, which don't generate any revenue to either company directly. The way I would look at Pokemon Go is: How much was spent on the Pokemon Go Campaign (ads, in-store displays, etc.) and how many customers came on board because of it? I don't think those numbers add up favorably. For what my opinion is worth, Sprint should have put that Tidal and Pokemon Go money into fixing the worst performing cell sites according to Sprint's original "Top 10 S-- List": https://www.bloomberg.com/features/2016-how-to-fix-sprint/
  19. Sprint just announced this: Sprint Announces Cash Tender Offers for up to $1 Billion Aggregate Principal Amount of its 9.000% Guaranteed Notes due 2018 and its 8.375% Notes due 2017 Interesting move. 9% is a pretty high interest rate. Sprint's Investor Relations Page has a good breakdown of Sprint's Upcoming Debt Maturities. FY '18 shows $6.032 Billion due.
  20. CapEx info: $3.5 Billion to $4 Billion Page 28 of Presentation: http://s21.q4cdn.com/487940486/files/doc_presentations/2016/2-Fiscal-4Q16-Earnings-Slides-Final.pdf Page 18 of Investor Update: http://s21.q4cdn.com/487940486/files/doc_financials/quarterly/2016/Q4/3-Fiscal-4Q16-Sprint-Quarterly-Investor-Update-FINAL.pdf Some other interesting stats from the Investor Update: Page 8: • Postpaid smartphones^ represented 94 percent of the ending postpaid phone connection base compared to 92 percent at the end of the year-ago period and 94 percent at the end of the prior quarter. During the quarter, 98 percent of postpaid phones sold were smartphones. • Postpaid tri-band LTE phones^ represented 84 percent of the ending postpaid phone connection base compared to 69 percent at the end of the year-ago period and 82 percent at the end of the prior quarter. During the quarter, 96 percent of postpaid phones sold were tri-band. This means that just under 16 percent of Sprint's customer base is on a single or dual band LTE device. • Postpaid carrier aggregation capable phones^, which allow for higher download data speeds, were 72 percent of postpaid phones sold during the quarter, increasing the number of these phones within the phone base to 55 percent. Sprint has to keep people upgrading to increase this number. According to this Investor Update from the prior quarter (http://s21.q4cdn.com/487940486/files/doc_presentations/2016/3_Fiscal-3Q16-Sprint-Quarterly-Investor-Update-FINAL.pdf), "Postpaid carrier aggregation capable phones^, which allow for higher download data speeds, were 78 percent of postpaid phones sold during the quarter, increasing the number of these phones within the phone base to 50 percent." Page 9: • Postpaid phone connections on unsubsidized service plans^ represented 74 percent of the base at the end of the quarter, compared to 61 percent in the year-ago period and 71 percent in the prior quarter. ~1 in 4 Sprint Postpaid customers is on a plan like Everything Data or Unlimited My Way. That's still a very surprising number.
  21. Yay! http://s21.q4cdn.com/487940486/files/doc_financials/quarterly/2016/Q4/1-Fiscal-4Q16-Earnings-Release-FINAL.pdf Solid performance this past quarter.
  22. That's a great question. I'm not sure. Samsung hasn't listed different carrier models or LTE Bands on its website. Does anyone know this?
  23. Of course, you'll experience the best speed and coverage with a Sprint device which supports HPUE and 3CA (Samsung Galaxy S8/S8+ or LG G6 so far). :-)
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