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Posts posted by Trip

  1. In pop's yes

    In square miles no


    Sent from my SM-G928P using Tapatalk


    Unless there are huge areas where T-Mobile has service and Verizon does not that I'm not aware of, I don't buy it.  Most of the state of West Virginia (outside of the panhandle) has zero T-Mobile service, for example.  Where is the area of T-Mobile service without Verizon service that counter-balances that?  That's about a million by itself and doesn't include the other rural areas where Verizon has service and T-Mobile does not.


    - Trip

  2. TV broadcasters did not pay for their spectrum. They were given it for free. To extend your analogy, let's say that a public housing project was built in what is now considered prime real estate. A private developer comes in and wants to buy the land from the government for a large amount of money so he can built high rise condos on the spot. Not only that but he will built a new public housing development in another spot. What shall the government do?


    Ah, you edited your post.


    Well, the TV stations aren't owned by the government, like most public housing would be, so that analogy falls apart.  Furthermore, I'm not sure which part of forcing the TV stations off the air is anything like "new public housing [will be built] in another spot".


    - Trip

  3. Spectrum is a public resource and it should be used in the most economically efficient manner. I believe that is cellular communications. My beef is why the hell are we paying the broadcasters to vacate.


    "Land in cities is a limited resource and should be used in the most economically efficient manner.  I believe that to be apartment buildings.  Why the hell are do private apartment building developers have to pay people to vacate their single family homes when they should be able to just bulldoze them and build apartments?"


    Not the perfect analogy, but pretty close.  Unless you're one of those people who believes eminent domain should be used to kick people out of properties to hand over to private developers, does that not strike you as unfair?  Usually, private developers pay people a premium to move out of their homes in prime locations to build there because it's more valuable as apartments.  How is this any different?


    - Trip

    • Like 1
  4. How does the loss of only two OTA physical channels drop the target by over $30 billion?  That 114 MHz seems like too much spectrum for too little money.




    In the initial stage, a number of markets had no competitive bidding (see any area with market variation as examples).  With the addition of two more channels, most (not all) markets have now had at least some competitive bidding. 


    - Trip

  5. This morning my G5 is asking me to do a system update.  I'll give it a shot later in the day and try to see what's what.


    EDIT:  Other than the patch level going up, I'm not sure I see any major changes off-hand.


    - Trip

  6. The answer is contained in the NYT article. Claure was pretty clear this would require no network investment.


    Not sure why the headline used the word "rural" then because unless I've missed something, none of the services discussed in the article seem to actually improve rural broadband availability.  Of course, that would be NYT's fault and not Sprint's, but still.


    - Trip

  7. Jesus, is this the NFL board?


    I think this discussion is more appropriate here:




    As someone who doesn't follow sportball, I'm very bored with this conversation, as well.


    Sprint's Robiatti: 70% of our POPs now covered by 2.5 GHz


    Thoughts on this progress? Tarek Robiatti shared this information at a Conference.


    If this is accurate, then it speaks to just how much of the population of the country lives in major cities these days.  Because there are very large geographic areas without B41.


    - Trip

    • Like 6
  8. If you need some help with figuring things out let me know, I'm sure I still have my PRL diff app/code kicking around somewhere in my backups.


    I would love your code if you're willing to share it.  Right at the moment I'm just dumping the PRLs and comparing spreadsheets by hand.


    - Trip


    Okay, minor tweaks in this one, most of which seems to be adjustments to Verizon EV-DO roaming, whether there's more of it or just a reorganization isn't entirely clear to me off-hand.


    Geography 3:  25510/25511 added with EV-DO.  (Don't know who that is.)  More Verizon EV-DO.


    Geography 4:  More Verizon EV-DO.


    Geography 10:  More Verizon EV-DO.


    Geography 11:  More Verizon EV-DO.


    Geography 13:  More Verizon EV-DO.


    Geography 14:  Removed 10789 (On-Waves ehf?)/4177 (AT&T?)/22300 (MCP?) and associated EV-DO.


    Geography 18:  Removed negative entries for 8091 (?) and associated EV-DO.


    Comparison file:  https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4qtSrW2KKDCUVpQNDNHUW92Q1k/view?usp=sharing


    - Trip

    • Like 5
  10. Any more QC issues on the G5?  Looking for an upgrade for my Dad and a Buddy of his who share a plan.


    I haven't had any issues.  Whatever burn-in I thought I was seeing must have been temporary and has since faded.


    - Trip

  11. Saw this in an article this morning that I can't repost: 


    Claure also said Sprint plans to make larger investments in its network. “Yes, we’re going to increase” capital expenditures but “never to the tune of what’s been done in the past,” he said. “We’re in the business of getting better month after month and quarter after quarter.”

    That sounds very discouraging, to me at least.  Unless he's just ruling out a second rip and replace.


    - Trip

    • Like 2
  12. Looks like T-Mobile is preparing to light up LTE on PCS here.  I found a single site in my log from Alexandria which has a 08 and 09 sector, and the EARFCN was 1025.  That corresponds to the upper half of the T-Mobile 10x10 in PCS. 


    I also don't seem to have HSPA anymore, though I'm not sure I ever had it on the DAS at work before.  I'll see if it's still around when I leave today.


    EDIT:  I eventually got my phone onto both HSPA and GSM for T-Mobile.  So it's still running after all.


    - Trip

    • Like 1
  13. Google maps kept trying to take me off onto side roads, I guess because it hasn't been updated on the progress of the road yet. I did have us cellular in some spots but I never got Verizon roaming on my phone.


    Sent from my SM-G930P using Tapatalk


    No, what I meant was that on my Verizon phone, I roamed onto US Cellular the whole time--Verizon dropped west of Elkins and was gone until Virginia.


    - Trip

  14. In Elkins today, took corridor H to get here off I81. No service for most of the way but there is very usable 3G in Elkins. It will be nice to see the progress shentel will make in the next couple years. I'm thinking 2 years to get it on par with AT&T.


    Sent from my SM-G930P using Tapatalk


    I took Corridor H a few weeks ago.  It's a lovely drive, even if the cell service left something to be desired.  Parts of the drive had only AT&T, and parts had only US Cellular.  The entire drive had Verizon roaming onto US Cellular, though.


    Also will they remove ntelos as the provider in the SCP app?



    Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk


    Who's "they"?  The name is associated with the SID, which is in an internal database maintained by SignalCheck Pro.  At some point, probably when the nTelos network is more integrated, it will probably make sense to change the label, but probably not yet.


    - Trip

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