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Posts posted by Trip

  1. I usually give it a few days to make sure there are no major bugs that I missed. If there are bugs, I fix them, send out a new beta, and make sure that one is good. I test every update on 4 of my own devices before it even becomes a beta. I'm crazy-busy these days so it also depends on when I have time to do it. I know you want in on it.. I keep the crew to a manageable number for a few reasons though. Be patient, it'll be worth the wait.. ;)


    No worries, I understand why you want to keep it small.  But you know what they say, if you don't ask, you can't get a positive answer. :)


    I know it will be worth the wait, I'm just champing at the bit to get it!  Any chance of screenshots showing new functionality maybe? ;)


    - Trip

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  2. I was just looking at it today.  It does NOT show black for me.  Also, it is not slow for me either.


    I also notice that for the past few days, it's been saying the last updated date as the current date.


    If you search by zip code for 20554 (where I work), does it show you black or color?  I'm trying to figure out how two different browsers at home and at work (Internet Explorer is refusing to load the page at all) can all show me black at the default zoom level but nobody else sees it.


    - Trip

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