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Posts posted by Trip

  1. Permitting is a local issue, Trump has nothing to do with it.


    I forget if it was last year or this year, but the FCC passed a rule requiring localities to approve permitting requests within x number of days of filing unless they can provide a good reason not to (RF safety is not one of the "good reasons" as long as it complies with FCC rules).  If no approval is provided, it is deemed granted.


    As noted elsewhere, that rule could be modified further.


    - Trip

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  2. Hey guys, I was wondering if you guys had any advice as to how to locate a specific cell tower. For example, I am trying to locate the AT&T EDGE tower in Keller, WA. I've tried the basic tools such as antennasearch, cellreception and cellmapper and haven't been able to find much. Any ideas?


    There are tools that help in locating towers, and it seems like you've seen some of them, but they depend on the information you need being in a public database, and even then you'll want to have data from an SCP log or similar to point you in the right direction if there are multiple towers in an area.


    I poked briefly at the Keller area and found nothing obvious in the public databases.  Looking at the AT&T official coverage map, which is normally useless, I'm wondering if there's a tower there at all, and if what you're seeing isn't coming from the tower near Wilbur to the south. 


    - Trip

  3. Oops, I forgot you have to turn on System UI Tuner, then go into Other, Power Notification Controls, and toggle it on.



    Sent from my Pixel XL


    I'm pretty sure the System UI Tuner is not available on the LG G5.


    - Trip

  4. If it's based on Android 7, there's a good possibility. The API specifies it can return a value for the earfcn though that basically means "I don't know". Try it and see (after making a TWRP backup! I prefer to use a USB OTG cable with a flash drive or SD card for this)


    Sent from my Pixel XL


    It was a bad idea.  After the update, I lost LTE and once I got it back, I now do not get PCI, TAC, SNR, or most other information aside from GCI and RSRP.  I think I'll be rolling back.


    EDIT: Rolled back successfully.  Apparently the N5 never reported the SNR to begin with.  In any case, it now correctly shows PCI and TAC again.


    - Trip

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  5. If it's based on Android 7, there's a good possibility. The API specifies it can return a value for the earfcn though that basically means "I don't know". Try it and see (after making a TWRP backup! I prefer to use a USB OTG cable with a flash drive or SD card for this)


    Sent from my Pixel XL


    If time permits, I intend to try it this evening.  I'll back up my Nexus 5 and see if I can update it to Nougat and get out EARFCN from the API.


    - Trip

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  6. Following up here briefly for those that may care, I ordered an unlocked Moto G4 Play and it's perfect!  $130 from Amazon, stuck in a Verizon SIM, and it was painless to unlock the bootloader and then root it so that I could get EARFCN data out of it in SCP.  I ordered another one as well while it was on sale.  (My LG Leon LTE for MetroPCS/T-Mobile is having GPS problems and I want to replace it.)


    - Trip

  7. Not sure I like the new notifications either. It doesn't seem to keep SCP at the top.


    Sent from my LG G5


    Yeah, my big problem is that when it's plugged in, the USB mode selector is at the top notification now instead of the bottom.


    EDIT:  And, of course, it now has made a liar out of me.  It was definitely at the top the other day, and now it's at the bottom.  SCP was definitely not at the top though.


    - Trip

  8. I was a bit apprehensive of updating after I read this, but I finally had the time and ran it today - thus far on mine, if anything the system seems even slightly snappier overall than before the update.


    The only negative to me is the new way notifications are rendered on the pulldown in 7/Nougat - I do like the 'grouped' notification aspect on something like Score or ESPN apps from a functional perspective, but the overall presentation look versus how they looked in Marshmallow I don't really care for.


    Sorry, I should have followed up and said that it did clear up after a few hours and get back to normal.  If it's snappier, I can't really tell.


    I do agree that I don't like the appearance now and prefer the old look. 


    - Trip

  9. Finally downloaded. LG home refuses to update so I can't get to my home screen and my power button doesn't work! 


    Not exactly what I was expecting....



    I think that happened to me at first, and it took a few minutes for it to download and get set up.  Why it's not included in the 1.3GB image, I have no idea.


    - Trip

  10. I decided I couldn't wait anymore and went for it.  Upgrade finished successfully, and all seems well in SCP.  Looking at the SCP diagnostics, the API now provides EARFCN, but SCP does not appear to use it yet.


    It does feel a lot laggier than it did before, but I assume it's still doing things in the background.  I'll see how it is in a few hours.


    - Trip

  11. Don't recall seeing this discussed before; someone can correct me if I'm wrong.


    I was going to up my shared data plan to 6GB this month (my phone started downloading the Nougat update over Sprint without permission, so I'm already at 600MB this month on day two of the billing cycle...), but when I went to look at it, they've raised the prices significantly on them.  I'm paying $70 for 3GB.  That price is now $80 with auto-pay, $85 without.  To go up to 6GB used to be $85, but is now $100 without auto-pay and $95 with it. 


    Trying to figure out what to do now, because it's obviously designed to make Unlimited more attractive.  Doesn't make me a very happy customer, though.


    - Trip


    Looks like there're many tough battles to fight before the small cells can be built. The Mobilitie guy in this townhall meeting looks inept and shady.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    I watched the first hour and then gave up.  The irritating rudeness and general lack of knowledge of the people in the room was staggering, but also not surprising.


    I actually thought the Mobilitie guy and the others on the panel (particularly the government officials) were doing a good job, at least until I stopped watching.


    - Trip

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  13. I just wonder how many of these sites actually only have Sprint.  If the other guys got internet...  If they have internet for 3G, why are the providers able to just upgrade the line with new technology? Keep the wire, replace the hardware.  Companies like ATT and Comcast have been doing this for decades. The DSL lines on the power poles in my yard are from 1992 and now offer up to 10Mbps.  Cable lines are from 1999 and offer 150Mbps.  For really rural towers, I'd imagine that even 10Mbps backhaul connection would be plenty for three LTE sectors.  


    My experience is that the sites with serious or backhaul problems are pretty obvious because the other carriers have the same problems.  For example, at Mount Vernon (yes, that one) is a cell site where AT&T, Sprint, and T-Mobile are all lacking LTE.  Verizon has just the 10x10 on 700 MHz. 


    3G service levels are usually attainable through copper.  To get enough for LTE, one would typically need a fiber upgrade. 


    - Trip

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