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Posts posted by nahum365



    I would say on average it's 7-10 seconds for me. It feels like forever though. Seems like turning off the radios could be a much quicker endeavor. On the GS2, it was only a second or two.


    I have had a few occasions where it has taken 30 seconds to a minute. Annoying.


    Robert via Samsung Note II using Forum Runner


    It takes no more then a second on my iPhone. Shouldn't be that hard... I've found that Androids take a while to connect to WiFi as well.

  2. Thanks. I've got it in a ziplock bag with the rice. I won't bother it for awhile and see what happens. If nothing works we may still decide to bite the bullet and pay for a new one otherwise we spend another 2 years with that old blackberry before we can upgrade her again.


    You could give her one of your old phones that you aren't using...

  3. My mom still has 3G issues on her 5 even after doing the update. (issue is where after awhile, OR after a long phone call 3G just freezes up completely and you must toggle the cellular data switch off then back on to make it work again)


    This is the very same reason I returned mine 5 days after getting it. there is NO WAY I can stand an issue like that.


    Worst 3G problem I've had is that after a call, it takes about 10 seconds for the 3G to reconnect... 6.0.1 helped that. Now it's down to 3-4 secs.

  4. I really need to stop opening threads and forgetting to check them. As most of you know, I have my iPhone now. I've had it for over a month now. I was told 3 weeks, but recieved it on October 1st. I ordered on the 23rd. My local Sprint Store still has no stock, not even one to put on display. Apple Store has plenty, they have like 15 on display. Thanks for all the replies!



    What do yo mean by full LTE coverage so it might not come to my city? or what?


    Eventually, LTE will be available everywhere you have 3G now. But it will take a while for that to happen. LTE will be deployed on some towers before others, resulting in spotty coverage at first, with it getting better each day.

    • Like 1


    I bought one yesterday for 150 from a member. I've been wanting one for my LTE device collection. I must collect them all. ;)


    Robert via Nexus 7 using Forum Runner


    Lucky. I might snatch one up, but I really want a Nexus 4. So I'm waiting for a CDMA and LTE version. Android is looking really nice right now. I can say with confidence that my next phone purchase on contract will be a top-of-the-line Android.



    Do you know when it will be up? i don't ask a dat just around when cause i have been waiting a lot :)


    Full LTE coverage may not be available for 3-4 months, but a LTE launch is expected in a couple weeks. Some people thought it might of been today, but that obviously was not true.

  8. Does anybody know when (aprox?) LTE will come to Rockville MD it is in the list of 100 cities that should get LTE. I posted it in this part cause where i live is near DC.


    I believe Rockville is in the DC market, so LTE will go live with the DC Market. You'll see some brief periods of LTE as they test the towers in your area to make sure they are working properly.



    I am on a party boat on the Potomac river right now and I almost hit 3meg down on a speedtest before it settled down to 1.6 with an upload of 1meg. So far 3g speeds have been ridiculously outstanding. This is by far the best 3g performance I have experienced.


    3megs?! That's way over my usual .03 down.

    • Like 1
  10. I have to make calls in the daytime and only have 500 minutes, also some members of the family are paranoid that cell phones cause cancer and only use them when they have to, not to mention sprint's building penetration is not very good unless I'm near a window and even then it's only 1-2 bars in the best conditions (i.e. stationary, no storms) I'm hoping this improves when LTE/NV goes live in Jan.





    Nah, I'm not paying anywhere near $500, just pointing out that even people who are paying a premium cost are getting poor service.


    Thanks for the info, I was actually considering going to AT&T data-only plan recently when my sprint data bottomed out at 200-300kbps (it's gone back up to ~700kbps now, which is useable) now I know that really is an option if I have to take that rout at some point :)


    Yeah, I'm not sure what the distance is, I was told I'm <500' from the road but the ISP says I'm not so *shrug* I have the same problem with Cable, they said I'm too far out to get service


    There are people in my neighborhood about a mile from the main road with both cable and FiOS fiber optics. Granted, I'm about 10 miles from a city.

  11. My wife also has Sprint LTE but she wasn't with me at the time. I certainly have gotten much higher LTE download speeds (see the bottom two tests). The reason it would be surprising about a tower issue is b/c this occurred over a 15-20 mile stretch. You can see the time I did the tests (2 @ 3:27, 2 @ 3:32 and 3 @ 3:49) and assume I was traveling 60-65mph. What the results don't show is the initial burst of d/l speed was closer to 1-1.2 down but quickly went down to .4-.6. Also I typically would find that the first 1-3 mins of the slingbox would work fine after I closed the app but then would stop working.


    I'll keep watching it over the upcoming few days and report back.


    It'll be gone in the next couple of days.

  12. FYI, your VoIP traffic likely is in the neighborhood of 10 megabytes-per-hr, assuming a low-compression codec. Phone calls typically require anywhere from 10Kbps to 35Kbps of bandwidth.


    If you're comparing to $500/mo ISP bills, then you probably have more choices than you are aware of. Ever tried investigating drypair or maybe T1s? Some options will even get you QoS for your VoIP traffic, which you probably won't get with Comcast or anyone else.


    For what its worth, my house is 73' short for DSL according to AT&T. I am qualified for 768k DSL, while my neighbors on all sides can get 6MB+, It happens.


    That really sucks... I have the option of up to 500Mbps here at my house. Not that I could afford that, but the option is there. How much is that 768k?

  13. Not likely throttling. This has happened a few times in other markets where they had a short term anomaly of really slow download and normal upload. Unless your device is having a malfunction in its reception. Do you know anyone else with a Sprint LTE device in your area?




    That happened once here too... I was getting regular speeds of 4Mbps despite being so close to the tower I could see the RRUs. And it was widespread. It was fixed the next day.

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