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Posts posted by Paynefanbro



    Well, I completely disagree. Now you guys completely understand what our tolerance level is. Pull the same crap again and you can expect the same or worse. We ain't a business and we don't have to tolerate the crap. Understand?


    Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk


    Not to sound like I am arguing but, the post before it got closed had to do with someone trying to connect to LTE and then when it closed I was confused as to why. That was all, and that's why I thought it was unnecessary. We got a warning when talking about the iPhone vs Android and then we stopped, and then suddenly it closed.



    Welcome to the group , glad you joined . The Speed's you have are great in comparison to 3G but those LTE speeds are generally slow , those tower's are probably being capped until the full release of the NYC Market around March , but its still great that you have LTE , that means Sprint is making some progress which is always good to hear .


    Sprint doesn't cap speeds. That is definitely a crowded tower or degredation in quality of signal. Bars don't tell the whole story as, I vs have 3 bars and still get near 2Mbps speeds.


    Not the case. T-Mobile from my own experience has the best sounding voice. That's before AMR-WB. Also, the dropped calls rate is significantly lower than other GSM operator, AT&T.


    Not sure what your sources are, but I'm speaking from my own experience. Also, once you get the speeds you want, you'll probably ask for more. That's the human nature.


    My Aunt owns a GS3 on T-Mobile and on 23rd Street in her office by the window, she'll will randomly drop calls. Call quality on my EVO also appears to be better than her T-Mobile. I thought it was a known fact that 1xrtt has better call quality than the GSM equivalent.

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  4. Once my speeds git 600kbps on 3G I an happy. I only stream YouTube when I am home on WiFi, but I browse the internet on my phone all of the time. I dontneven use my Airave anymore because my 700kbps to 1.8Mbps speeds are sufficient for me. That's why I never switched to T-Mobile. Besides that they also suffer from dropped calls all over the place on NYC.

  5. There are no towers that are completed and are not turned on. That's complete and utter lies. Sprint towers are live and up as they are finished. They do not have them blocked until they launch the market like ATT or VZ. If the towers are finished then they'll be turned on. If it's still being worked on then it'll be on and off. If it's finished then it'll stay on. It's as simple as that.


    That's only half true. On Sensorly there is a purple glitch on Coney Island yet there was a report that there was no more 4G after a couple of days.

  6. Nothing special is happening because of NYC. Sorry to burst your bubble. As soon as the site is ready to be lit up, it is turned on. Sprint does not gain anything by turning on some but holding back others. They would rather let you test it before actual launch. And in reality all launch day consists of updating their maps and a press release. Some sites can be brought up from nothing to LTE in several weeks. Some will sit for months and months waiting on one piece of the puzzle.


    Sent from my little Note2


    I understand that what I'm saying is most likely not true but at the same time, we can't say for certain that there won't be any outliers as Network Vision is not complete.

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    I read some where that the NYC & Long Island counts as one Market & im going with that . I don't think bleed over bc the tower closest to me has been acting weird like its being tested on , so im probably gonna be able to access tester LTE sometime around this month.


    The fact of the matter though, is that they are two seperate markets. If you were a sponsor, you'd see that it's clearly defined that Long Island is not part of the New York market.

  8. True, but at the same time they are paying for their service (on their phone) and should stream and use the network as they see fit without having to rely on wifi. Now if they are tethering all day and playing xbox live/psn while downloading torrents I will agree with you.


    No one is saying you shouldn't stream on your phone, it just makes sense to realize that unlimited data is a privilege even when you are paying for it. When you stream constantly over your cellular network while you have WiFi, and then complain when you have slow speeds, that is just not right in my opinion.

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