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Posts posted by Tengen31

  1. Any update for Oregon/SW Washington market? We seem to have all the right ingredients for Volte including band 26, 15x15 band 25, fully deployed band 41 yet no Volte..

    Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk

    That area likely has it, while the S9,S9+and Note9 have yet to get support for it. I live in a Volte market yet my S9+can't use it

    Sent from my SM-G965U1 using Tapatalk

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  2. 1st my Question was why did I get the Update when Nobody knows when VOLTE will be available in Mississippi if ever? My Bet Never, will have a different phone by then, meanwhile there is a Update that does Absolutely Nothing! 1st Sprint should have added the Service, then Released the Update!

    Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk

    It well be available under TMO merger for sure. C spire is the one they does the coverage there and they don't wanna even do VOLTE. They will have to as other carriers shut down 2G/3G on the future. Cspire even wants Sprint CDMA to stay up for another 5 years which isn't going to happen.

    Sent from my SM-G965U1 using Tapatalk

  3. it is a lte and what is funny data on lte work  cdma network is nowhere to be seen i keep seeing voice network not avable   and the app to show more inof about celphone signal say the 1x network no signal like it was shut down 
    I would go to the Sprint store and have it looked at. New sim card might be needed

    Sent from my SM-G965U1 using Tapatalk

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  4. i was asking about my phone stop working  for phone call and tex message .

    What can i do since my phone was reset and it work on the cdma network since the cdma network say no new activation in that article .

    and i am talking as best as i can 

    Oh I get ya. Is yours a LTE capable phone? If yes you have nothing to worried about. If not it was still work, just no prl update and will have to upgrade to LTE device when CDMA shutdown nears. If you have a LTE device then nothing to worry about. Happy Friday


    Sent from my SM-G965U1 using Tapatalk




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  5. I got to use it when I was in Florida in 2017. Had the S5 back then. Almost 100 down like 90 something and 40 up Sent from my SM-G965U1 using Tapatalk
    My bad this is not the feed for that comment

    Sent from my SM-G965U1 using Tapatalk

  6. May 7, 2019
    The results will be posted at www.sprint.com/investors at approximately 4:05 p.m. ET.
    Sprint management will host a conference call at 4:30 p.m. ET to discuss the results.
    I've already told David this but someone is now claiming Sprint hasn't released their results cause of pending lawsuit's for lieing to investors. Made up but the individual claiming that

    Sent from my SM-G965U1 using Tapatalk

  7. Sprint has implemented ORNL to allow the network to push users from EVDO to LTE, although they seem to have halfassed the deployment. The ORNL transmit cycle is additionally usually configured to be so long that you might as well wait for the device rescan timer to push you back up to LTE. I've only experienced a good ORNL deployment in a few rare locations...I remember consistently reconnecting to LTE in Hawaii 10-15 seconds after dropping to EVDO. 
    That's TMobiles BW is my area. 5x5 700, 15x15 1900 and 20x20 2100. Not sure what the will use for B71. They own 15x15

    Sent from my SM-G965U1 using Tapatalk

  8. Likely as Sprint (or their successor) would be selling it and they're keeping at least 1x800 up til 2021.

    CDMA 1x1900 would probably be the first to go as Volte takes up more of the voice load and 1x800 covers the decreasing share of devices not volte capable. Evdo 1.9 would remain at least for edge of cell areas where LTE data just don't make it yet.

    Likely to see a 3 MHz B25 carrier at least in some areas when this happens.

    Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

    Sprint LTE is strong where I live and work,would that allow them to do 10x10 sometime then?

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  9. Likely as Sprint (or their successor) would be selling it and they're keeping at least 1x800 up til 2021.

    CDMA 1x1900 would probably be the first to go as Volte takes up more of the voice load and 1x800 covers the decreasing share of devices not volte capable. Evdo 1.9 would remain at least for edge of cell areas where LTE data just don't make it yet.

    Likely to see a 3 MHz B25 carrier at least in some areas when this happens.

    Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

    I would love to see that my area could get 10x10 A block then [emoji4]

    Sent from my SM-G965U1 using Tapatalk

  10. In areas where Sprint holds the PCS C block, CDMA is usually thinned down to two 1x1900 carriers and a single EVDO1900 carrier. This allows for 4x4 MIMO on the LTE carrier. 
    In areas where 1900 holdings aren't contiguous and a single L1900 carrier can’t be deployed, EVDO isn't usually thinned as much as Sprint can’t run two 4x4 LTE carriers. 
    I can see EVDO being shut down by year end and Sprint running a single 1x1900 carrier in the L1900 guard band (in addition to their 1x800 carrier). Because VZW CDMA is going away in a matter of months, Sprint is working hard to get a VoLTE solution up and running fast. Supplementing L1900 bandwidth and stretching L1900 to its maximum range will be key to voice reliability as it will free up capacity on L800 for VoLTE in edge-of-cell scenarios (where Sprint currently struggles). 
    Verizon's CDMA is not being shutdown they Customer's just will not be able to connect nor will Sprint. It will still be their for Enterprise customers to use

    Sent from my SM-G965U1 using Tapatalk

  11. It will happen eventually, but probably not for at least a few more years. They'll keep 1x800 around for CDMA voice, and they have put a single 1x1900 carrier in the LTE internal guard band plus some overlap (Airave 3s, at least in some markets, have been doing this since launch). It's unclear if this was intentional, and if so, under what conditions it works. The real holdup is if/when they want to drop EVDO.  

    In some markets, they've shut down the 2nd EVDO carrier to enable 4x4 on B25, so there are many areas that only have a single EVDO carrier now. I suspect they won't shut it down completely though until LTE coverage is solid, since too many devices now drop to CDMA in dead zones and then take forever (30+ min) to switch back to LTE. Data would then be unusable without EVDO, and most people wouldn't know to airplane toggle to get LTE back.


    Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk



    Yeah they could just do it in areas where LTE is strong and keep 3G where it's weak. I would love 10x10 in my area and LTE works just fine here.  

    Sent from my SM-G965U1 using Tapatalk






  12. I still don't understand all this delay. There are very defined roles for government agencies to approve or reject the deal. The DOJ with the anti-trust angle and the FCC with the concentration of spectrum. All the consumer angles as in possibility of higher prices or the potential loss of jobs are not part of the consideration process. Now there are potential DOJ angles as far as previous roaming contracts that need to be enforced, assignments of Sprint spectrum to roaming partners in exchange for free or low cost roaming etc, etc. The FTC might take into consideration the issue that the the deal might "substantially lessen competition".

    If they are so concerned about spectrum then why let it fail where 2.5 will just sit on the side lines for the next 5 years where the merger it would not


    Sent from my SM-G965U1 using Tapatalk




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  13. FYI: There are vast portions of the country without  significant amounts of Band 41.  Outside of metro areas 20+20+15 is fairly common.  There are many locations with even less.  The FCC has started discussions of making more available, but that is likely on hold awaiting a merger decision. 
    I'm assuming their is no more PCS Spectrum to auction off?

    Sent from my SM-G965U1 using Tapatalk

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