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Posts posted by Tengen31

  1. https://www.theverge.com/2019/5/21/18634195/t-mobile-sprint-merger-conditions-access-coverage I find this to be a valid point. New T-Mobile promises to expand coverage but there is no easy way to test if that is actually occurring.


    Given the US government’s history of terrible service maps, confirming T-Mobile adhered to its promises would be an uphill climb, even for a third-party auditor. The government has only a fleeting idea where service currently is, making tracking improvement difficult.

     The FCC says there will be heavy fines if it doesn't happen and I think they should really enforce those fines heavily. Also wouldn't it be a waste to buy up 600 mhz over the whole country and not use it over the whole country along with an the other spectrum?


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  2. What we have now is the broad brush outline of a deal. DOJ could add more conditions.  I expect the new T-Mobile to have to divest some spectrum in some counties, which they will likely used to trade with AT&T and Verizon to consolidate their spectrum. 
    I expect focus will shift to 5g with its much larger channel sizes over more CA options for 4g. The duo have been installing 5g capable equipment for a while now according to my sources. So in a converted market you could end up with 20x20 of4g b25, another 4g B25 carrier, and 20x20 of 5g B25 as soon as needed.  The push will be to get everyone on 5g phones.
    They should just give to the G block in my area. Tmobile already holds 20x20 and then Sprint 10x10 A block all of which is contiguous so on 5G they can do 30x30. VZW holds the C block here and only has 10x10 on B2.

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  3. CDMA will be sunsetted as quickly as possible. 1x800 will likely be Sprint's CDMAs last stand. Sprint does have many phones that have GSM, but they will need FCC testing first for use in the USA iirc, then firmware upgrades. Might be cheaper and/or better for T-Mobile just to offer discounts on new phones.
    Here's another question is B25+25+25 going to be a thing or just stick to 25+25.

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  4. So will this work like Google-Fi? or is this like a 3 year plan where they hope everyone gets new devices/new SIMs that can handle the 2 different networks? Or is it more likely that CDMA is sunsetted and GSM is what goes forward
    They will merge the Networks. B25,26,41 on T-Mobile towers, 2,4,12,66,71 on Sprint sites. 2/25 will just be mfbi since they are both PC's spectrum. The combined company will be able to do more 20x20 carriers for 2/25. B25 only where it's C+G block.

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  5. I thought this wouldn't ever go through but here we are...  

    How will this even work in terms of transition? Will existing devices just get to roam on the other network but not necessarily have access to it? I haven't paid attention to this stuff for like 2 years.. can phones with Sprint SIMs/CDMA ever access the GSM based tmobile network?


    Never said it wasn't going to go thru. As far as devices. Tons of devices work on both networks. Gsm is 2G voice and CDMA is voice and 3G and will be going away. The pcs part will be shutdown completely. 1x800 might stay for a while. Bands 2,4,66,12,71 will be there for TMO Customer's and 25,26,41 for Sprint Customers.  lots of phones have an those bands then they can use them all. iPhones even the 5S has B26. S8 and newer have them all accept 71. LG G8 has them all. Pixel, Motorola phones. One plus devices have them all.

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  6. That was early in the process.  They kept far more in the Metro PCS merger than planned.  I think it will depend on markets.  Sprint weak market sites will mostly be shut down IMO.  More successful Sprint markets will retain more sites.  Same with T-Mobile markets that are already over capacity.

    I really hope they keep the Sprint site on the roof off my work. Tmobile could use it as their is some dead spots here.


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  7. Although not much in the city, the East Mountains (where I live) have been having upgrades like crazy. B41 2xca or 3xca on most sites now, along with TMobile roaming and ATT roaming. It’s crazy to see how Sprint is by far one of the strongest now up here. Just months ago it was only B25, and scattered B26 sites. 
    Does B41 work okay in the mountains?

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