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Everything posted by ScandaLeX

  1. New to the whole NFC tag thing. Does it matter what tags we use; is one brand better than another or they all function the same?
  2. What about those who use 10" .... That just supports my case. People complain that certain sizes (5.5") are too big as a phone but will do the same functions on 7 and 10" tablets including making phone calls. Sent from my WHITE S'NOTE using Tapatalk 2
  3. Phone size is mentally manipulative. Sure when phones were huge we wanted them smaller OR was it placed in our mental database that smaller was better? Something to think about. What surprises me if people find 7" tablets extremely comfortable and just the right size yet a 5.5" phone is considered huge. What about those who use their 7" as phones?
  4. Same here. Started with the original Evo. Couldn't imagine going down in size now. Sent from my WHITE S'NOTE using Tapatalk 2
  5. @koiulpoi Are you going to return it? Sent from my WHITE S'NOTE using Tapatalk 2
  6. From the play store and above link I got Sent from my WHITE S'NOTE using Tapatalk 2
  7. dead head Sent from my WHITE S'NOTE using Tapatalk 2
  8. Aircraft Carrier Sent from my WHITE S'NOTE using Tapatalk 2
  9. Sugar Shack Sent from my WHITE S'NOTE using Tapatalk 2
  10. I guess heavy has different meanings for everyone since none of us use our phones in identical fashions. Sent from my WHITE S'NOTE using Tapatalk 2
  11. I couldn't wait so manually updated a few days ago. Didn't rename the update. Where did you get that from that it had to be renamed? Outstanding. I can't recall anyone I know getting 19+ hrs of heavy use out of the Evo 4G LTE....maybe 9 hrs if they were lucky. I've had my Note 2 a bit over 2 weeks. With heavy use I was going over 24 hrs before plugging it in. I've noticed over the last day or so my battery is depleting a little faster. I'm constantly on my phone now like I've been from the moment I got it so my usage is still the same. Just recently installed a bunch of apps but the drainage wasn't immediately noticeable. Sent from my WHITE S'NOTE using Tapatalk 2
  12. But let me tell you, the flygrip is a bear to remove if you ever have too. I will never again in life attach one directly to my phone. Firstly, you need something like a knife to pry it off the phone, while holding your breath and praying you don't damage your phone with the knife. Once I finally got that thing off my phone I attached it to the back of a hard shell sleeve instead. NOTHING should be this difficult to remove. Also, and this is just based on my use....I don't hold the phone any better with it than without.
  13. I'm in West Philly and my 3G is barely usable. Most I can hope for is wifi; other than that I may as well leave my phone in my pocket.
  14. Ya'll have been reading that post wrong. Read it again with an OPEN mind. I made the same mistake. At the bottom when you finish reading there is a link to click. Click it and smile.
  15. Yes thank you. I did notice no source and I wait with bated breath whenever the Sammy source has any news. I did see it previously mentioned all carriers would get it.
  16. Hi 2 According to his article he said it was very unlikely Sprint & Verizon would see the Note 2 due to AT&T getting it exclusively like they did for the Note 1. Tap'n from my White SGT2 7.0 SE
  17. And from this same link I quote " Important to note is AT&T is the only carrier that will carry the Galaxy Note 2. T-Mobile is set to release the original Galaxy Note..." Where's this guy been? Tmo is not set to release, they already did so I can't find his article credible. Anyone whose been following the Note knows this.
  18. Then they've been out since Mon. night cause the page hasn't changed since then. I was going to get my cards from Amazon but ended up getting 2 32GB from Best Buy on Tues.
  19. Looking at this from my phone they look like full size SD cards and not micro. Are my eyes deceiving me?
  20. These roadmaps and such make my buying decision that much more difficult. Sure I could get the SG3 now for upgrade price but then I'll end up coughing up a whooping $600. to get the Note 2 at full price if Sprint really does get it. Hopefully we'll know more from the Unpack Event. The roadmap does look promising but 2013 seems so far away in new phone yrs.
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