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Posts posted by JosefTor

  1. What makes you think that Sprint wouldn't participate in both? Trust me if this is one of the last slivers of beachfront spectrum, all 4 major carriers will be at the auction. Sprint and Tmobile are in different situations than in 2008 so they will definitely be ready to compete for blocks of spectrum. Assuming that 80 MHz is available, I want Sprint to obtain 20 MHz of that 600 MHz spectrum.

    I would prefer they buy all 80 MHz and sell 2500/2600 after a 2 year period. With 1900 LTE propagation being so horrible, I would venture only only half of Sprints customers will actually benefit... My completed town only has about 2 percent covered with usable LTE... That means that 2500/2600 is a distraction for many and not a saving grace.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk



  2. Yeah, my bad, i meant the nexus 5.

    All a matter of preference. I for one like the larger battery life, larger screen, knock on, and the useful customizations and software additions of the LG G2. For me, vanilla android has not caught on for me yet even though I'm trying like heck to like it. Vanilla android takes away all the things I expect like eye tracking features and settings at my finger tips and in its place, gives me unintuitive controls (aka camera app controls).


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk



  3. I've heard around these forums that LTE will not drain a phone's battery any more than 3g on newer phones.  I have a Samsung Galaxy S3 though and that seems not accurate in my case to the point where I almost dread LTE showing up because I'll be having to go on airplane mode within a couple hours.


    Even when I go to a place with strong Sprint LTE signal with high data rates (e.g.; 20 mbps), my phone will only last a few hours at most before I am in the yellow.  If I am on 3g though with that kind of signal and general use, I can generally last a day without charging.  


    Is the Samsung Galaxy S3 just not good at LTE battery life or is LTE simply a battery hog?  I am hoping it is the former since I'm going to be upgrading soon. 

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