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Everything posted by kct1975

  1. Same with me! My Sprint service was just fine during the 'Winter Awakens' Blizzard in the NoVA.
  2. Agreed...when I was considering buying the Nexus 6, I visited a Sprint store, and played around with the sales floor device in the store, before I ordered it online. Like you, I too like to play around with a device before I purchase it. Especially an Android phone or Tablet.
  3. I completely agree with you! When I got my Nexus 6, I ordered it online, through the Sprint Website (which was the only way they were selling it), and then I took it to a Sprint store, and had it activated. Which, by the way, I'm glad I did, because I found out that a lot of people had trouble getting their Nexus 6 devices activated on the Sprint network. Like you, I prefer to have a Sprint employee activate my devices, rather than having to figure out how to do it myself through the web site.
  4. Agreed! It's like the stupid 'Payment Processing Fees' that some companies charge...or the dreaded 'Universal Connectivity Fee' that is charged on every Landline phone service and Wireless phone service.
  5. Not necessarily, according to this article... http://observer.com/2015/06/self-driving-cars-will-cause-motion-sickness-often-to-always-study-finds/ '> http://observer.com/2015/06/self-driving-cars-will-cause-motion-sickness-often-to-always-study-finds/ "The other major factor in the increased prevalence of motion sickness is what adults will do whilst in cars instead of driving. In an opinion survey of 3,255 adults from the U.S., China, India, Japan, Australia and the U.K., respondents named reading, talking/texting, sleeping, watching movies/TV, working and playing games as the activities they’ll engage in while riding in self-driving cars. According to the study, almost all of the activities mentioned worsen the frequency and severity of motion sicknes"
  6. Car Phone I'll bet I lot of you don't remember these things
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