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Everything posted by jonathanm1978

  1. I'm seeing this on my phone lately...anyone else? Or anyone know what this means? Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk
  2. I don't understand how there are so many probs with this phone...initially I DID have a problem with the earpiece being jacked up, and once I exchanged it and received this new phone (refurbish), I've not had even one issue. GPS has led me all over downtown Birmingham in rush hour, during Christmas...several times a week for the entire holiday season...My niece almost passed away in children's hospital and stayed from 12/16 until 01/17 at children's...so we made trips every day, sometimes twice a day. Granted after a little while, we knew the route well enough, but still would use the phone to search for places nearby to eat, stores, gas stations, etc. And since being given this second G2, no earpiece problems, nothing at all the least bit odd with it at all. Maybe a bad batch of printed circuit boards got into LG's stock....but definitely weird. Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk
  3. Some undoubtedly has to be pinned anger towards the miss on the tmo deal. He's likely using that anger towards the US FCC rules to fuel the fire he's lighting under Sprint upper level management. Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk
  4. I decided to use my MSL and enable the bands manually...but I left the proirity where it was. I'll wait and see if others had this, and what they did to theirs if the update didn't enable the other two bands before I mess with anything else. *edit* checked on the DATA>LTE>Band Priority and without me doing anything, I have: Band 25: 1 Band: 26: 2 Band: 41: 3
  5. I wouldn't recommend to people to do this if they don't have the update yet....this has been discussed, actually in this thread, and in a couple other places, that a Google engineer listed why you shouldn't do this and it can actually make the waiting for update push even longer. And like posted, it can also cause some serious, irreversible problems that only a factory reset will cure.
  6. What are we doing about the update not enabling the other two bands? Checked mine and 41, 26 are still disabled. Restarted again and still not enabled.... Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk
  7. Not firmware update button...It's update lg software. I just tried. I hit firmware first...then tried update lg software and finally I'm getting the spark update....It's downloading now. Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk
  8. I've tried to update check while roaming but with Wi-Fi and it tells me that I must be in Sprint coverage to do it. Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk
  9. No. it's not an app... Go into your contact list, to the left of the "search" box...and click on that icon that looks like a person's head. That's the Vutalk icon. It'll show contacts that are registered in the Vutalk servers.
  10. You never did VuTalk the other night...I tried to D/C last night and it said you weren't available. I want to get my true D/C number instead of having my phone number... Maybe someone here can help...a call to customer care couldn't take care of it either, they couldn't find anything but my phone number tied to D/C... But I know people that i've seen with a 1*123*12345 for their D/C instead of their 10-digit phone number. Even with my MSL and digging into the SDC registration doesn't give it up. Still shows my phone number in that screen.
  11. Google controls elevators and crosswalks? wow...far-reaching monopolization of search engine conglomerate...
  12. Can't believe the Spark update has been out for exactly one year, as of today, and I still don't have it. <Insert generic G2 complaint here>
  13. I would personally consider availability of 1 band, going to availability of 3 bands to be radio improvement. Since there isn't another instance of tri-band G2 in use on another carrier, then obviously they had to write new code with the new bands enabled..so it just seems obvious that radio performance would be included.
  14. Learn something new every day, thanks..I sure didn't know that. I set it to 40 the other day, haven't paid much attention until I kept getting complaints from family saying things wouldn't connect...so I went back and made the change. I did get notice of a FW update today, but it obviously didn't fix the issue because even after the 5.5.8 FW none of my devices would connect, and changing to 20mhz solved it. I'm in a new beta with a range extender..and I sat the beta range extender in the same spot as my Ubiq Loco M2...and I pick up more signal than the Ubi puts out...I was a little shocked to see that. I noticed with my G2 that even 200ft from the range extender, I still see the Asus_EXT network that it's broadcasting, and the G2 says it's "fair" signal.. Must be a decent radio in the G2 from all I've seen. I pick up wifi AP's that I know for sure are almost 1/5 of a mile from me.
  15. I'm sure this isn't something new, likely in the specs, but tinkering with my Ubiquiti airrouter helped me discover that the LG G2 won't connect if you set wireless to 40mHz. Has to be either 20/40, or 20 mHz wide channel. The G2 would see the airrouter, but trying to connect just wouldn't work at all while set to 40 mHz. Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk
  16. My replacement, store level, was refurb, via the rtn menu. Something like eighty calls, and 80 meg of data on life timer. Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk
  17. http://bgr.com/2014/01/17/most-expensive-cell-phone-service-us/ Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk
  18. Does the provider name in the status bar have any significance? Like while roaming, it says (Verizon)*, I never paid close attention to the * before, curious if that has purpose. Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk
  19. I think those bluebird cars are amex too...I'm in tep with 3 of mine tho, maybe I should rethink it. Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk
  20. I believe post echoing means that posts are being echoed in tapatalk that have already been posted...comes from having prior posts distorted or unreadable, or just plain ignored. Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk
  21. I ran mIRC with netzero, oh the days of sitting up all night on irc. Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk
  22. I actually contacted SBC via email and offered part of my land as available, since I'm less than a hundred feet from the at&t dslam, the corner of my property that's right next to the hut would be a great site, plus I'm on a pretty decent grade. A little more on the equipment side in the hut and at&t can offer u-verse, plus offer LTE on their tower when they install the equipment. Obviously I can access this tower rather easily if I ever need to, it's exactly 9/10 of a mile from me, and my best friend from school lives directly in front of the tower. He and I could walk to it anytime. I seriously doubted that SBC would take me up on my offer, with a tower that close, but never hurts to offer and they saved my email for future reference. Fiber is definitely not a prob where I am tho, there's two 24 pair lines they dug up my driveway back in 1996 and installed. I just talked with an at&t tech a week ago when my DSL went down, due to someone that lived before my connection having DSL and being cut off, it caused major prob in my line..and he cut me dead so I didn't go 2000 feet past the dslam then into my home, now I come d directly from the dslam and I'm first on the line. Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk
  23. I'm not extremely worried about getting a CPO, but it does irk me just a little. As long as this one performs as it should and gives no probs, I'm not going to dwell much on the 79 phone calls made prior, or the prior 80 meg of data used before I got it. I didn't look it over with my jeweler loop but it seemed to look pretty decent. Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk
  24. Maybe not own, but they definitely lease on it. Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk
  25. Might as well, vzw will remain the only LTE carrier I can get, maybe at&t later this year since they own the tower that vzw sits on. Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk
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