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Posts posted by kojitsari

  1. after fast boot part im lost!! I think ill wait to November 3rd when the factory images are released

    Do you know what the android SDK is? Most of us use this one because it only includes the essentials. http://www.xda-developers.com/android/lightweight-adb-and-fastboot-installer/


    You need to go into the folder where the SDK is installed, and make a new one for the lollipop file you've downloaded(should be a .tgz at this point, if it isn't manually change the file type to .tgz) extract the file in the folder and you should get a tar file then you need to extract the .tar file.


    Now this is the point where your phone needs to be unlocked, when you go to fastboot mode it says unlock state on the screen, if it's locked you're going to need to open up a command prompt window and run the command I gave you above ***This will WIPE your phone of any and all user data*** then once you're unlocked you either can double click the flash-all.bat file to flash the image to your device, or you can run the other command I gave you in a command prompt window.

  2. I want to try the developer version of L. Can anyone tell me how to do this step by step. It fails everytime

    Assuming you have the SDK, and all the necessary drivers. Put your n5 in fastboot mode, turn it off hold the power button and volume down together. Use the arrow keys to chose fastboot mode. You need to be unlocked (fastboot oem unlock if you aren't) to do this. Extract the developer image twice, .tar and .tgz and put them in the same folder as the SDK. Then you should be able to double click the flash-all.bat, or you can use the flash-all command.
    • Like 1
  3. Thanks, I hate the stock SMS app on my G3. It sticks strictly to the 160 character (CDMA) rule, so even if you insert a smiley, it breaks the message apart - can't turn that feature off either. Used to use Handcent and tried Chomp, but didn't like them very much.

    Textra has by far been my favorite 3rd party texting app. It has the option to not separate texts in your conversation. However it will split them up to send to other people this is required of text messages on Sprint, I believe it's due to it being CDMA network.
    • Like 2


    You probably have log entries that say "Sprint B41" that are bogus too -- until this latest beta, the app only used the PLMN to show B41. Just by looking at the mess in my own log, I know there is no easy way to do it, so it's going to be a matter of delete them all or don't touch it.



    Just to be clear, it would only affect 311490/311870 entries.. nothing else would be touched.


    You could always start a poll for a few days. Personally I don't really care, the areas I have logs and site notes for I frequent, or will be, so I can just redo it. It's useful to have so a little extra effort is worth it to me.
  5. Excellent! I have been staying on the old version until they got that working again, it's a critical feature for me. Are there any issues with the new version, or should I take the jump? I'm always hesitant when they make major changes because I rely on SMS for a lot of things, including work.



    So far it's working perfectly for me. The only thing I haven't had to chance to test is MMS. The dev's for textra actually haven't managed to have a bad update in the past 5-10 updates, at least not for me.
    • Like 1
  6. I think and I'm not 100% sure but if your phone is rooted you can gain access to the database where the SCP log is stored and you can load everything into the new phone. When Mike wakes up or have some free time I'm sure he will gladly answer this question for you.

    ^this is basically correct. When you export the log (from in the app) it is dumped into a folder that requires root permissions to access. This isn't how it was designed by Mike it's a default thing that just happens. So if you want to pull it, root your phone then its as simple as just going to the signal check folder once you've exported and pulling the two files. Then dumping them back onto the other phone, which would also require it to be rooted.
    • Like 1
  7. I've been reading the fine print here and there. Does the unlimited my way plan get throttled? Or is it just the iPhone plan? I'm Trying to decide if they all get throttled or just some. Thanks.

    My way can have video streaming limited to 1mbs if needed (its in TOS). Other than that it's just the standard if you're in the top 5% you can get throttled.
  8. I believe you, I just don't know how it happened. I just double-checked and if RSRP < -139, the app will (should?) report no LTE. These new signal possibilities might complicate things, because I know several devices report -140 when disconnected, but I am working on a way around it.



    Possible fluke with android L? If I'd known I'd have grabbed a bug report...I'm traveling up 70 to KC tomorrow where I should encounter some fringe LTE. I'll try to keep a semi close eye on my phone and see if I can't replicate it again.
  9. Thanks. Just need to tweak some things in SignalCheck, I believe I set the ceiling at -140 awhile ago. I flashed the new radio on 4.4.4 and it seems to work fine. Haven't left home with it yet, will get some decent road testing in later tonight.



    Well that's odd, signal check reported a -141dbm I know for a fact. That's when I opened up the engineering screens because I couldn't believe it xD.
  10. -145!? Was that the weakest you saw? I'm going to have to some tweaking to SignalCheck.. wonder if the new baseband is compatible with KitKat?


    EDIT: Per XDA, it works with 4.4.4, so I'm going to give it a shot too: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=56090777



    That's the weakest stable signal, as in it sat at that level for awhile. It fluxed down to -150 at one point and immediately dropped at that point. The new radio is awesome I'd give it a shot, there's a flashable zip over on XDA in the modem thread.
  11. Update on the new base band. Went on a foray down through st Louis today (road trip to pappy's BBQ) and I dropped b41 twice the whole trip. Once was purely because I went into a giant metal building. It holds onto b41 like a beast, multiple times I got down to a -140dbm signal and it was still holding steady and working fine. Apps started to time out once it got down to -145dbm though, and that's when it dropped the signal for b26. This radio is definitely my new favorite daily driver, and new favorite overall excluding the .15 radio for occasionally bypassing ecsfb/csfb issues.

    • Like 3
  12. Performed worse in all metrics for me.


    Cut my speeds significantly.



    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

    That's odd, if I flash back to the radio for 4.4.4, the previous L radio, or even .15 I immediately drop my 3g connection that I'm getting in a spot where I would always drop to a ~ -105dbm 1x800 signal before...

  13. The new radio is showing to be better at holding onto fringe 3g/1x than previous radios. I'm in a dead zone for LTE that's actually hard to pick up 3g in (even at night). Also it appears to have better thorough put than the other radios, I'm pulling 10kbs better on 1x and 10-15kbs better on 3g than I have been the rest of this week. I know this could be a placebo coincidental side effect, but still thought it was worth mentioning.

  14. Anyone use an att prepaid Sim with their n5's in addition to sprint? Coming back from KC mo to my parents house for breaks is getting terrible (no sprint LTE, super shitty 60kbs or lower 3g if we're lucky), and we can't get internet service other than cellular out here. There's no way I'd ditch sprint as my provider(had the others and they can't compare), but I'm really wanting some form of internet while Im here which is why I was considering getting one of the brands that offer such and such LTE speeds with unlimited data throttled to 3g speeds (ping matters more for what I'd be doing, I can deal without video streaming and the like). So back to my original question if I did integrated my sprint number with GV and then put the att Sim into my n5 would I still be able to see when someone has called/texted my sprint number thanks to the integration or would I need a separate phone?

  15. I second rooting and installing franco's kernel. I regularly get ~5 hours of screen time with 26-28 hours of total usage per charge. This is including at least a few hours of Pandora during the day, off wifi all day, and flopping between 3g and searching for LTE (nearest tower is having ecsfb issues).


    Sent from my 20CD00B4US using Tapatalk

  16. Make sure you order the micro-SIM card and NOT the nano-SIM card - I ordered the nano-SIM in the hopes to upgrade later, but it did not work; the Ting tech said that nanos are for iPhones (at that time, which was 3 months ago-ish). She (very politely too, over a crying baby) ordered a micro-SIM for me, free of charge...in a few days, I got it, plugged in the micro-SIM in, and it worked.


    But the above said adapter does work, e.g. with a nano-SIM T-Mobile card.

    I got a pack that has adapters for all of them, so I'm covered. Good point though!
  17. Your N5 will work fine on Ting and pickup all Sprint bands where and if they are available.

    I don't think there are micro adapters for nano sims so you would need to get a micro sim from Ting. I could be wrong though.


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

    There are adapters, I have a kit I picked up off amazon for ~6 bucks. Just make sure to NOT leave the adapter in your phone without a Sim in it, or it will ruin the port. They get caught on the prongs and tend to either bend or rip them out when you're trying to remove them.
    • Like 1
  18. can you copy texts over from hangouts? no emojis?

    Textra has emojis, as an optional expansion. I'm guessing they do this to keep the app tiny for those who wouldn't use them, I use SMS backup and restore and it ported mine over the first time I used it. Now my texts are in to the hundred thousands....so I'm not sure how it'd work with a large amount lol. Once you start with textra you won't go back. The developers are always trying to improve and when stuff doesn't set well with the users they change it or bring things back (note different colored bubbles for each person!).
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