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Everything posted by bmoses

  1. Someone from that area posted in the sponsor thread, they said they found 2 towers live with LTE :-)
  2. i put this in the iowa threads, but wanted to post it here for some more exposure on just how far a 1x800 signal can go! i have finally found the source of my 1x800 signal! its coming from one of the 3G accepted towers south along interstate 35. i've also done a little screenshot of the area i've picked up the signal from. the X down south is where the tower is, the circle is the furthest i've gone in all 4 directions and picked it up, usually i have to be somewhat elevated with a clear line of sight to the horizon, and the signal is usually between -105 and -100. at the furthest point it was just over 30 miles from the tower, that is a freaking huge range!!!!!
  3. OK all, i have finally found the source of my 1x800 signal! its coming from one of the 3G accepted towers south along interstate 35. i've also done a little screenshot of the area i've picked up the signal from. the X down south is where the tower is, the circle is the furthest i've gone in all 4 directions and picked it up, usually i have to be somewhat elevated with a clear line of sight to the horizon, and the signal is usually between -105 and -100. at the furthest point it was just over 30 miles from the tower, that is a freaking huge range!!!!!
  4. Will post pics later, at the fair now and got over 2 meg down from the sector of the COW covering the parking lot and couldn't run a speedtest from a sector covering the fair :-D
  5. awesome! thanks for looking out for those! hopefully we can figure out where the 1x800 is coming from
  6. first day of the fair! anyone make it out there yet? any LTE?
  7. i went out and about over lunch trying to find that damn 1x800 signal and so far am having no luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so anyone in the central iowa area i need your help! if you have an android phone install signalcheck (lite or pro) and while you are out and about see if you can find the tower with BID of 2753. i've picked up the signal from Grimes down to mills civic parkway and as far west as the tower by the baseball fields in waukee. the best signal i got was a brief -98 on the mills civic bridge over 35. all other were between -101 and -105. i'm thinking it has to be somewhere south, i just don't know where. anyway, the good news i found while i was out was another GMO site gone full build! that makes 2 so far, so hopefully this will be a trend cause all the GMO sites around here would benefit greatly from 1x800
  8. that would be great news, robert just posted back confirming that it is marked as a GMO site, so either its the first GMO site with LTE, or it got converted to full build, which would be even better. make sure to take pics if you make it by!
  9. Robert just posted in the Iowa sponsors thread that the first LTE site in east iowa was accepted! if you are a sponsor you can see the location of it, someone needs to go check that out!
  10. So i was doing a little review of the sites that are in progress in central iowa. between the des moines metro area and going north to ames there looks to be about 110 (didn't count all of them, just guessing) total towers. So far i count 14 towers that have everything up to panels installed, 4 that have had base cabinets installed, 3 that only have fiber run to them, 5 that are GMO sites that have had equipment installed, and 1 4G accepted tower. So that makes 27 towers that are in some phase of being done, or put another way, 25% of the towers around here have had some work done and this is only the ones people have been able to check, i'm sure there are more out there that no one has been able to check on yet, or are on a building or something and unable to tell if any work has been done. I guess my points to all of this are that the rate they are going it won't be too long before all the towers around here are done, and (hopefully soon) when they light up the ones that are done so far there will be quite a bit of LTE coverage off the bat
  11. great job on the pics and report! just having a COW there for voice and text should be a tremendous help! i remember the last couple of years it was almost impossible to make a call while at the fair. it will be interesting to see if they are broadcasting LTE from it. the panels are not the new NV ones they are installing, but depending on what they are it could be possible for them to broadcast LTE from them. (like a GMO site can broadcast LTE depending on what legacy panels they have)
  12. i did say usually and it could be something or it could be nothing, no way to tell really.
  13. could be, but probably not, its just a software protocol and its still out there for non-LTE phones to use so there isn't anything preventing your phone from switching back to it for whatever reason. usually if you get back on evdo rev a you can do airplane mode and get back on ehrpd.
  14. thanks for the details. on the 1x800 (voice), i've been picking up a faint 1x800 signal today (see map above of locations i've picked it up) and i'm trying to figure out what tower its coming from. all i know for sure is its south and/or west of grimes. yeah for sure get the signalcheck app, it will at least tell you details about what you are connected to. the pro version ($2) will also play alerts when it connects to 1x800 or LTE (thats how i knew i got 1x800 this morning). as to the LTE, i was just curious if they knew if something on the back end was still being worked on to explain why both the accepted towers, and even non-accepted towers that are complete, aren't broadcasting LTE yet. sounds like they are just installers that do what they are told (not a bad thing) so we will just keep waiting! maybe i'll try and go to the accepted tower tomorrow or thursday and see if its live now
  15. Awesome!!!!! When you say 800 is on this tower do you mean they just have it installed or do you mean its broadcasting 800 right now? See my above posts, I'm picking up 800 from somewhere but I can't figure out where. Do you have signalcheck installed? Could you get the BID from that site? Last question, did they say anything about LTE broadcasting, as in what's the hold up.
  16. so i'm at a loss of where the tower that's putting out this 800 signal could be. i don't recognize the BID from my normal travels and according to the 800 thread it should be the same as 1900 from the same tower. here is all the (rough) locations i was able to pick up the signal, all from that same BID of 2753 so as you can see thats a huge area!!! all weak signals though so it has to be far away somewhere. the screenshot from my phone with the -94 signal is from inside my house, all other connections where between -100 and -105. so i'm guessing its either north west somewhere, or south west somewhere. anyone out there that has an android phone install signalcheck and see if we can find where the tower with BID 2753 is!!!!
  17. nope, apple doesn't allow access to signal/radio information.
  18. thanks! i didn't recognize the BID so wasn't sure if it was because they will be different, or i just don't know the BID of the tower its coming from yet (it was a very weak 800 signal so it had to have been coming from far away)
  19. i apologize if this has been asked, i did search the thread but did not read all 47 pages will the BID for 1x800 be the same or different than the BID for 1x1900 coming from the same tower? i just had 1x800 pop up on my phone this morning for the first time
  20. and that folks is what happens when you get up at 5:40AM, totally forgot you posted that last night. well played, well played
  21. when was this? they give any time frame or say what the hold up was?
  22. so at 5:40AM this morning as my alarm on my phone starts going off my alert for 1x800 (from signalcheck pro ) starts going off as well!!!!!!! it kept switching back and forth between 1900 and 800 about every 10 seconds. also picked it up a few times on my way into work. I have no idea where the tower is that i connected to as i don't recognize the BID, but i'm also assuming that the BID for 800 would be different than 1900 from the same tower? anyway, based on where i picked it up and the signal strength i had i'm guessing the tower is somewhere on the south west side of the des moines area.
  23. lol! at least you got your fix in! there must be something on the back end they are still working on before they can light LTE up. so while it sucks waiting on that it is nice to know that the installers are still out there going strong, so when they can light it up there will be a lot of towers that go live
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