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Posts posted by pyroscott

  1. It's hard to ignore that NHL towns in general have been shunned by Sprint in their Network Vision rollout with only 2 NHL cities represented in the first round and only 8 NHL cities announced so far in the second round of deployment. 13 NHL cities remain to be announced while 7 NHL cities have been blacklisted altogether by Sprint.


    After digging further and figuring in the rankings of "Hockey Towns" where the sport of hockey is ingrained into the lifestyle of the residents, and smartphones are purchased for the exclusive use of checking the score and streaming highlights of hockey games, the outlook is much darker. Only 2 of the top 10 hockey towns are represented in the already announced markets, and both of them are in the second round of NV deployment. The top 4 hockey towns are still waiting for some Sprint love, as well as such legendary hockey towns as Buffalo NY and Denver CO.


    Take the top 3 American hockey towns, St. Paul MN, Pittsburgh PA and Detroit MI. The residents of these cities chomp down bandwidth from October to May streaming the best goals, saves, hits and fights. They spend the other 4 months YouTubing the best hockey fights of all time and watching Al McGinnis slapshots when they aren't searching for the latest roster moves and draft analysis.


    So what is it? Is Sprint afraid that their expensive Network Vision equipment will see a wild slapshot or two clang off it like that stinking crossbar clang that mocks hockey fans with a sound that makes hockeytown vomit up their beer and nachos when they hear it in overtime? Or is it just that Sprint hates missing teeth and mullets?




    The brass at Sprint sure is taking a chance by alienating Detroit from both WiMax and Network Vision so far. We know what hockey fans are capable of when they don't get what they want...vancouver-bc-riots.jpg

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  2. I pay approx. $200 per month for four lines. So SERO wouldn't save me money. SERO is a value with one and two lines. But once you start to get to three and four lines, it starts to get cheaper without SERO, depending in the discounts you qualify for.


    - Robert


    Posted via Forum Runner


    $200 for 4 lines? My last bill was $201 for 3 lines with 25% discount. I had insurance on all lines though...

  3. Can the Evo Shift handle ICS? I thought the limited memory on the phone would be an issue. I'm pretty sure the processor could handle the work.


    ICS can run on it, but it would have to be a scaled down version of it. It needs a talented developer to work it out. Are there any left on the Evo Shift? Might be because there still isn't any sliders released since the Epic/Evo shift era

  4. I just made the plunge into Calk's ICS ROM based on FC06. I'm using it right now. So far, so good! I like how i could flash right over my Calks v2.8.1 in CWM. Kept all my apps too! Amazing!


    - Robert


    Posted via Forum Runner on Calkulin E4GT-2 ICS v1.0


    Looking forward to hearing how Caulk did with the ICS version. I kinda miss his ROM. It was the best of what I tested on the E4GT.

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