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Posts posted by pyroscott

  1. And I think for the most part, you all will help frame these discussions. By corralling flamers immediately and countering their flames with sound and reasonable discussions. I already have a few people I'm keeping a close eye on. One in particular I think is close to just posting something bonkers. Especially on article comments.


    You know me too well already. LOL


    I think one of the best testimonies to our site is that we have several Verizon customers who hang out here and contribute. And they are awesome posters. And we all peacefully coexist in our nerdy wireless social commune. And I will need all of your help to maintain that flavor. You all have set the tone of this site.


    I don't consider myself a Verizon customer, I'm just alleviating the Sprint network congestion until Network Vision is complete. And from the tone of the rollouts it looks like my contract will be well expired by the time NV is complete in my area. Still not announced...

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  2. I agree. This would be a strategic decision since the iPhone is more popular overall. I think Sprint wants/needs an LTE iPhone and wants or promised to get enough LTE markets up by this fall so Apple will be convinced to include Sprint in the rollout. Since LTE wasn't ready, I don't believe Apple would invest the resources into an LTE iPad.


    Check me if I'm wrong, but Wi-Fi only tablets are still the biggest sellers. 3G/4G models supported by carriers haven't been knocking any doors down in sales. My guess it's because you have to pay for an extra plan that no one wants to buy. I think if the bucket plans like AT&T and Verizon are contemplating, if done right may help out.


    I think it will sell more non-WiFi tablets if you can use your plan data for a tablet. A lot of people run a hotspot on their phone and access that with the tablet to get data rather than have a separate plan for the tablet. If I could access my plan data with the tablet, without running a hotspot and killing my phone battery, it would be money and make it worth the extra cost of having 4G/3G radios in the tablet. Of course when you have an unlimited plan, it is probably better to continue to run the hotspot on the phone.

  3. Now that would be a good selling point for them if they did that. And if it was cheap enough, I would consider signing up for it.


    They could also partner with a cellphone provider like Sprint with a network hosting deal similar to LS2 and have one of the conditions be that they can bundle cell coverage in with the TV, home phone and internet.


    Cheater, lol. Did you ever play SimCity growing up?

    I did play sim city, but it wasn't until late in its life. My parents didn't believe in technology or something. Our house was like the dark ages. I did a lot of hunting though.


    Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk

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  5. I remember the apple IIe. I had a computer class that we had to type 45 words per minute to pass. I changed the clock settings so I could type 65 or so. Ha ha


    Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk

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