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Honored Premier Sponsor
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Posts posted by pyroscott



    thats weak....lol


    though less Sprint comes back with a Premier program of some kind in the future you possibly wont miss crap as you'd be able to transfer back over here once its all better and NV is rolled out fully...Wife gets a nice discount with VZ though I'm still holding onto my Sprint account given its tenure and "hope" that they come out with some kind of loyalty program again...


    What's weak is Sprint's data speeds here. They could be on the cover of a book called epic fail


    Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk

  2. I had compiled a Sprint Employee Discount list a while back and still keep it updated (providing folks tell me of any change) .


    A to M


    N to Z


    I myself only get 19% working with the City of NY, 4 lines total, but I don't know if the discount is applied to one line or all 4. I need to check on that.



    for my discount, it was primary line only. I think they all are.


    Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk

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