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Posts posted by pyroscott

  1. Sure, companies have. This is totally different. This is the Chinese government that is the driving force ehind this.


    Huawei is not innovating. They stole a crap-ton of IP and are now putting out a new product based off stolen IP. When you introduce a new product, it needs to be viable (at a price that makes sense for both the buyer and the seller). When development costs are not "real" you can essentially do things that other companies cant (you can't compete with a company that illegally steals billions in tech). Just because Huawei is releasing it, doesn't mean no other company didn't actually create it. Maybe they did and said "hey this would be too costly for anyone to buy". Huawei comes along and steals it and says "hey we can build this for a lot less because we have no development costs and people will buy it".


    FBI Traces Trail of Spy Ring to China


    ORINDA, Calif.—Federal agents were searching Walter and Christina Liew's home here last July for evidence of corporate espionage when a safe deposit box key caught their attention. They asked Ms. Liew if she knew where the bank was located. Her husband told her in Chinese to say she didn't, according to an account later given by federal prosecutors.

    An agent who understood Chinese picked up on the exchange and followed Ms. Liew as she left the house, drove to an Oakland bank and tried to empty a safe deposit box the key fit. The box, according to prosecutors, contained documents outlining a more than decadelong plot to steal DuPont Co. corporate secrets and sell them to a Chinese government-owned company.




    Again, I am not one to argue about strange theories but there really is a pretty long list of lawsuits, news articles, etc that clearly define the Chinese Gov'ts roll of stealing IP from anyone and everyone.


    The fact that you say that's ok so they can "innovate" because "everyone else" does it is pretty sad. I am all for companies being competitive and what not... but not this.


    I'm not justifying them stealing technology from other companies, and I don't think it is right. What I was saying is that it is a part of business. As per the research that I have done, there is not a single shred of evidence that supports your claim that Huawei has stolen. Furthermore, you have not presented anything supporting the claim that Huawei has engaged in stealing technology. Just because they are a Chinese company, and the chinese have engaged in corperate espionage, doesn't mean that they are involved. At this point, without any facts, your assertions are nothing more than slander.

  2. google_fail.jpg


    Looks like it is "due to requirements related to copyright protection." Google should do a search using their own search engine and they will find pirate movies all over the place. As

    And of course, I'd much rather steal movies streamed with a poor bitrate at a low resolution to my phone than use Google to search out any of the thousands of places where I could steal them using my computer.
    • Like 1
  3. It's not DRM bc there are many ways to have the media DRM protected even on rooted devices. Makes no difference. It's all about the content providers as they are always the last to adapt and accept new things.


    Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk


    Yeah, I didn't even think about Netflix. That is available on all handsets, not just non-rooted ones. DRM was the reason it took so long to come to Android when it was on iOS for a long time.

  4. Every Sprint employee have know carries a Sprint phone. They get a great deal for working there. But I think that is one of our local issues. There are just too many people on Sprint around here overloading the towers.


    I think there were numbers posted somewhere here that T-Mobile actually had the most subscribers in the KC market. Might have been in a chat. I think AJ posted it. I will see if I can dig it up.

  5. HAHAHAHA Yeah right! One would think so, but unfortunately our area has had horrible service and still is lacking compared to the others. 4G is a joke around here. I used to work across the street from the Sprint HQ. I could literally see it out my window. No bars. At that time I had ATT and was fine but in that same building they still can't get more then one bar of 4g. 3G is better now but still kinda sad.


    To say I am really hoping the network upgrades can turn sprint around would be an understatement.


    I wonder what Sprint Employees carry. Sprint, T-Mobile? Or maybe they have Airraves floor to ceiling...

  6. Tough decision. I loathe Sense, but supposedly 4.0 is less involved. Touchwiz also sucks IMO, but I heard that you can elect to use the AOSP launcher on Samsung phones with ICS. If that is the casse, and the pictures I have seen of a nearly zero bezel SGS3, I might be all over that. Note would also be really tempting especially if they offer the AOSP launcher but I would have to try it out hands on to see if the size was good/bad/indifferent. Motorola could also bring a handset into the equation. Maybe something along the lines of the RAZR MAXX. But I chose the GNex over the RAZR MAXX once, and would do it again. I love my Galaxy Nexus and can easily see myself keeping the phone for a long time. Or 2 years until I can go back to Sprint.

  7. Is there and more detailed information about each of the cities? I have seen them replace an entire tower near where I live. Also my speeds and signal at my work has gotten a lot better. But when should they make the real switch to the new network? I live on the MO side of Kansas City but work in Overland park KS. I know and knew KC was going to be part of the 1st group of cities. But I really want to know more. Also what should we truly expect from these updates? I know what all is getting upgraded. My question is more on the lines of we have never seen a network like this before. Some say it will blow everything else out of the water while others say their LTE wont be as good as Verizon's. I would really like to know what kind of upgrade we will see from 3g.


    Heres a pic of the speeds im finally getting now on 3G at my work. I was getting super slow speeds till about a week or so ago. Overland Park's network had been way overloaded.



    I would think Overland Park would have 3G speeds maxxed out. Towers every hundred feet. You can't be slow in your own back yard...

  8. Parody of Newark, Ohio near me....



    Sent from my EVO 3D w/ MeanRom


    I'm going to drive out to Newark. And that truck is better than a girlfriend. It has pipes coming out the top like a semi!!! AWESOME!!! But there better be some Krokus. Also acceptable, Molly Hatchet.

  9. I found the last 5 speed tests where I had written them down. Not sure what happened to the rest.

    Ping. Download. Upload

    183 .31 mbps .18 mbps

    860 .12 mbps .16 mbps

    418 .04 mbps .33 mbps

    1140 .12 mbps .11 mbps

    252 .54 mbps .44 mbps


    They also had me get these numbers Rx signal strength 68 Rx power 68.5 dbm active set PN 279


    After the last test, they couldn't get off the phone fast enough.

    The conversation was something like ".54 megabits per second is within the accepted range of .40 to .70 and the tower seems to be working perfectly" click.


    That is one reason my signature on tapatalk is:


    Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk


    U own them from Amazon don't you though? Or u can rent from them too? Anyway if rented isn't it done VIA web browser anyway? Big diff than saving movie on device partially...


    Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk

    I think Amazon has rental.


    Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk

  11. I'm really sad I haven't seen Arizona on the list yet. I upgraded from my Samsung Moment to the Epic 4g and was then charged the data fee that was attributed to 4G phones only even though I didn't have any 4G to connect to. I paid the fee thinking that one day I'd get the 4G and the little bit I was paying would help that along. Now I hear that Sprint is moving to LTE meaning that my WiMax Epic would never see the light of 4G. I had hoped that Sprint would correct this by announcing Phoenix as an LTE city within 2012 but with the recent updated from S4GRU my hopes are fading fast. I really hope I see Phoenix on the list soon....


    The $10 per month sucks but it's well worth it to dump that moment I bet. My wife had the moment and she couldn't wait to upgrade. She hated that phone with a passion.


    As far as the $10 per month being a "4G Charge," a lot of people erroneously call it a 4G charge. It began life as a 4G charge, but even 3G smartphones use mass amounts of data over feature phones. That is why Sprint decided to change the name of the $10 surcharge to a "Smartphone premium data charge." Customers have been flaming Sprint over that charge everywhere, but it really isn't that bad when you figure you have a smartphone with unlimited data.


    I agree that when you come from a smartphone that was grandfathered in without the charge, it stinks. I had the Hero, the wife had the Moment and my sister had the Hero also. All grandfathered in without the charge. Add $30 on monthly, when we upgraded and it was a tough pill to swallow, but well worth it to have a phone that wasn't buggy and running an OLD version of android.


    I heard of people who would bring their Hero/Moment/Optimus S in for service and replace it with a different phone (go from Hero to Optimus for example) because there were none of the same phone available and they had the $10 charge slapped on. That sucks, at least they could upgrade to a newer phone that isn't crippled...

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