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Posts posted by AJC1973

  1. I'm going to start blaiming all my cell phone problems, from here on forward, on the upcoming solar flip.


    "Can't hear me? Sorry it's this damn sun getting in the way, you know. Solar flips and what not."




    Why stop at cell phone communications? Anytime you don't want to listen to someone... It's the magnetic flip of the sun.. It's what causes the "buzz" I can't hear you right now please leave a message and sometime in the next 11 years I'll get back to you...

  2. I was just told by an installer for Sprint, they need to hire 87,000 positions. They are definitely short on staff and things are going to take a lot longer if things go the way they are.


    Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2

    were they talking about sprint or the contractor they work for?  


    sprint has contracted out this work its not sprint employees on the mass majority of "installs" 


    yea i think that number is just a bit overexaggerated 

  3. yea well my thunderbolt lte gets crappy battery life when on lte... /sarcasm


    which is where this claim that lte gives and batteries dont mix well came from... once upon a time that was the case but not so much now like AJ said  

  4. I love this topic.. It came up in an argument the other day... Her: "my phone is no longer charger as fast as it used to" me:" which charger are you using...? " her" the one I use for my bluetooth.. That's not it it works just fine. " me:" where's the one that came with your note ii? " her:" I left it at mom's. I just told you its not the charger my charger works fine on my bluetooth! I know you think I'm dumb over phone stuff but I'm smart enough to check that! " me:" mumbled something I probably shouldn't have... Then explained to her bluetooth charger uses a different amperage and charges at half the rate she's needs one rated for her phone. At least 2amps.. " her:" it's the same type charger the chargers fit.. That's the dumbest thing I've heard.. I'm going to beat buy.. "


    Two hours later....


    Her:" see dummy I just needed a new charger.. This one is timed.. To slow.. I needed a rapid charger... It only cost me 60 dollars.. "


    Me:" 60 dollars? I just ordered u one on ebay for 10! "

    Her:" it's not a rapid charger.. "

    Me" Wtf does that mean? It's the oem charger.. And it's rated the same amperage.. Take that one back! "

    Her:" why can't you admit you don't know what you are talking about this one has a timer that makes it go faster! The guy at best buy said it was the best...

    Me:" said something about a bridge... She could buy...


    We compared the actual charging rate of the two chargers I used a multimeter showed her they were actually the exact same in every way except one said rapid.. The other said Samsung she swears it's faster because it has a timer.. I said Wtf does that mean?


    Yeah it didn't end well.. I said I could never work at best buy... I couldn't take advantage of ignorant people.. She says what's that mean? I said a fool and their money is soon parted... I can't post the response here lol I'm glad I have good reflexes lol

    • Like 1
  5. Much of NYC is built on reclaimed land. When we put our stuff underground it floods out. When we put it above ground, we get stuff pike hurricanes that blow it all out.

    new york is one of those areas that its damned if you do and damned if you dont i understand that thats why i said where its feasible i know i said sandy but contrary to cnn most of that night there were alot of areas inland where the moisture was turning to snow and ice that was just as affected by sandy as the flooding and storm surge as nyc and nj... if those areas further inland had been underground not only would rebuilding had been faster... but cheaper...


    friend of mine living in West virginia that night telephone poles were snapping from the weight of the snow and ice on the lines... he used to live in a pine forest but not only were the poles coming down the trees were snapping he said it sounded like some giant was going through and just snapping trees in half...  sandy was a bitch

    • Like 2
  6. there is also a a matter of astethics, those people that are against towers are usually the same ones that are against lines going to those towers.. 


    personally id like a push to put all cable thats feasable underground look at the northeast after sandy, how long did it take to get the infrastructure back in place hell after that dericho that hit dc last year it set back nv a few months because of all the above ground infrastructure.. 


    tornados in the midwest hurricanes southeast and south... the usa is very active weather wise...  the money we spend to put wires on poles after every thunderstorm snow storm or ice storm is insane why thats not underground i just dont know... i mean other than in swamp land i could see in earth quake prone areas that might be a problem but the rest of the country where its stable i think its a good infrastructure move

  7. After lunch today, I was out in the parking lot and was texting my son-in-law when I got an error that the text did not go through. I noticed my signal bars were non-existent. I figured they were working on the tower or something. I launched SignalCheck Pro to see if I had any signal at all. Nothing. I went on about my work when I got an alert the I had not heard before. I looked at my phone and SignalCheck Pro showed I had 1XRTT 800! Of course I was in the middle of a task and couldn't get a screen shot. It was that way for only a minute or two and the next time I checked it was back to eHRPD.  

    hopefully things are moving...

    For those of us that don't work at the NSA where were you?

  8. Apache Junction... Isn't that a nursing home?


    Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2

    Not this time of year... It's still too hot the snowbirds would melt then burst into flames.. Now in a couple months when our population literally doubles.. From left blinker always on masses from Minnesota and western Canadian provinces that's a different story

  9. I still blame CenturyLink 100% for this. My neighbor used to work for Qwest here before the merger, etc... it's exactly what Qwest used to do, just a different name.


    I drove by one of the Century link facilities the other day here in AJ ( should haev took a pic of all the trucks in the lot) i wanted to drive up and say wtf get off your asses and get to work lol give them a map with towers and go lol 


    i had to get century link (swore id never get qwest) because i moved to AJ and believe it or not Cox does not serve Apache Junction... two blocks west they do... i told them id provide the coax.. if they would just run it for me lol.  had an issue with wiring their end.  they swore id not get charged a service call.  the guy came said nope our wiriing no problem... they tried to charge me 99 dollars for them to put a filter and run 3 wires...  it took me a week to get the to pony up and take the charge off... 


    had to deal with clearwires incompetence now century link ugh lol  

    • Like 1
  10. Time for Sprint to update the program and make a quick buck off of the Technologically impatient and math-challenged. I'm only half joking...

    They had to get rid of it, they were afraid when the Iphone came out half their subscribers on the two tiers would try to get a the iphone for free... remember sprint didnt have the iphone after both att and vzw had it.  they wanted to make money off of it lol 

  11. I'll start. I'll be in LIT, DAL and AUS the day after tomorrow, but for now...


    AUS (as of early July) - LTE available in some areas, but spotty service overall, dropping to roaming on VZW in many areas. At bag claim you're lucky to get service at all.

    im always at the phx airport T4 guess which airline lol (current bid tues-sat in case someone wants to say hi or strangle me) depending on the how many people are in the terminal 3g is ok.. ~450-650 kbps during the middle of a bank sometimes down to 300kbps and at night sometimes well over 1mbps its alot better than just a few months ago when i couldnt get anything over 25kbps and large portion of the time single digit kbps(yes bits not bytes imagine my frustration)


    airport has not been upgraded yet...there are several across the river and one or two across the runway that have been upgraded and taking up the slack.  when they get turned on 4g will be hit and miss until they upgrade the airport..  on airport grounds near t4 they have two panels one pointed east one west going down skyharbor blvd  and a couple out at west cargo.  they need major upgrades.  im not suer how they are going to do it, will probably be a GMO hopefully the fact that they havent updated it yet they are going to move the panels to a new location where they will be more hopefully higher and hopefully facing towards the terminals 

  12. I think 2 different topics are getting confused here.

    1. The validity of benchmarks.

    2. Samsung intentionally skewing the results.





    I agree im not going on the idea that anyone is skewing the result or more to the fact lying about any results. i believe that depending on the outcome you are looking for you will either get the results or post something that says that.  i could care less if someone claims samsung..apple...htc...motorola.. sony etc etc etc...  intentionally skewed the results.. every company puts their best foot forward... does that mean they intentionally put something out there that was absolutely false?  that they LIED..??. thats subjective.  i dont buy it.  did they get one really good result under a certain condition? and then post it maybe..  who knows. unless you do the exact benchmark test they did. under the exact same condition as they did. its impossible to say that anyone is lying. 


    exaggerated sensational results now thats what you usually get in benchmarks either by the companies or those people that try to disprove it.. or those fanboys that pick through each looking for the measuring tape that says their phone is the biggest and baddest and the other guys phone is just to puny for them... 

  13. You obviously don't visit the review sites every time benchmarks are run! Phone geeks get in a lather about the tiniest little improvement in a benchmark. And this "improvement" was more than 10% over what the phone would normally run at. It's one thing to say here are the benchmarks at the normal speed and here are the same benchmarks when you overclock the phone. BTW, make sure you have your air conditioner run at 60F and blowing directly on the phone, otherwise it will go up in smoke.


    And I will condemn Apple if they did the same thing.

    How could you possibly know what websites I look at? What exactly do you think my point is buddy? I don't think you are reading my posts.. I even said that by some great chance these tests are from complete unbiased phone saints. That they are totally accurate. And there is no agenda whatsoever at all not even to get more people to read their quaint site.. Unless they are the exact same benchmark tests using the same exact test that Sammy used on all the variations of the s4. And time after time they got different results. These prove nothing. Because I'll get 15 other tests saying no you used a different set of benchmarks.. You used these not those... The relative humidity wasn't set at exactly 12.25 percent and the temperature of the room exactly 88 degrees...


    The only truth of the matter is that every company will give the best numbers for each of their devices... And there will always be ass holes out there saying no that ain't right. That benchmarks on the whole are not realistic measures of a phone. And each phone will be different for every person because of setting variations and apps used. Benchmarks are interesting bragging for companies only because the uneducated masses are impressed with raw numbers.. Oh it clocks at this speed my phone is 5 percent faster than yours it's my screen is bigger than yours.. I got more megapixels than you...


    Trying to keep up with the Jones might as well measure your Johnson at least that's a tangible measure but like with your Johnson it's not the size.. But how you use it.. And you can have pissing contest till your standing in a gallon of piss. It all comes down to what works for you.. Not silly tests done in ideal conditions

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