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Posts posted by AJC1973

  1. You would think AT&T, Verizon and T-Mobile would have had to deal with all the same providers and they seemed to have no trouble rolling out Lte to the Phoenix area. ;) Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 4

    A few things wrong with this strawman. One sprint was first with 4g they went with wimax .. It's not a bad technology we would have been very happy withjit.. Had clearwire not shit away the money.. By the time sprint finally had to pull ties and go with lte att vzw.. Not so much T-Mobile since they were calling 3g and a half 4g until finally they couldn't get away with that anymore.. But far later in the game. Att and vzw already had back haul in place and also didn't have to deal with clear wire that's the biggest thing..


    Att and vzw didn't get into the game till much later.. Was not vested in a different tech with contracts in place.. To compare their lte build out to sprints isn't even apples to oranges it's apples to groundhogs.. Not similar..

  2. Well you have a bit more information than me to be sure. But based on how long markets that are near complete have taken to get there and where some markets that have just started are I would be willing to place a bet that the dead line gets pushed back at least another quarter, especially if 800 is part of nv 1.0. Maybe things will speed up but AL has a habit of leaving 3G upgraded towers with out lte for a rather long time. And winter is coming, in certain areas of the country that will slow things down a bit.


    Ugh.. On one hand you say we'll you have more info than me... Then in same sentence you say but.. If you base it on this other thing... Let me pull a negativeright out of my ass.. And winter didn't slow things down last year but this year I guess you think somehow it will be different.. You are a rolling ball of negativity.. Here in phx and other warm weather states not only would it(if it did at all) not slow things down but would speed things up..


    Stop being such a negative Nancy... AL isn't the only contractor in this game.. As far as they leaving 3G 3g for a while I'd rather have it that way.. Why have 4g active without the back haul to fulfill it? That's like having access to a t1 line but connected to a 56 k Modem ooooh I have 4g wow well its only 3G speeds till I have the enhanced back haul.. But im keeping up with the Jones I can say I have "4g"



  3. Maybe, but the pace would have to pick up quite a bit. Honestly, I don't know that the backhual problems are the main driver of the slow roll out. there should be enough competition to make the backhaul providers not want to do a poor job for there customers. In any case I talked with a cox employee that ran the planning on the cox side and he left me with the impression that sprint and AL have made a mess of the planning and execution of NV in Phoenix, but I am sure he didn't want to make it seem as if cox is the problem.

    cox isnt the only player screwing us here century link has been abysmal as well al contractors are getting these towers up and a pretty good clip but if the backhaul is back logged there is nothing they can do to speed up the 4g acceptance 

  4. Didn't sprint only confirm 2 devices coming this year. One from LG and one from Samsung? Since we know those two devices I don't think the note 2 or any other phone was promised triband



    Doesn't mean they can't confirm more.... As they become available

  5. Oops, I failed to add to my post, I was thinking of "quantum Internet"

    Intro Article:http://www.engadget.com/2010/05/17/electromagnetically-induced-transparency-could-create-a-quantum/

    Recent Articles:http://www.engadget.com/2013/05/06/quantum-encrypted-internet-los-alamos/http://mobile.theverge.com/2013/5/6/4306188/quantum-network-los-alamos-2-years-transmit-video-realtime

    I've forgotten what I was going to summerise all of this with.

    I have a migraine.

    What I wanted to get at is if "sub-space" communication is actually feasible. Warp drives are feasible.

    So, are unjammable forms of communication possible, or not?

    I mean, you gotta' love those Cylons right?

    How is Resurrection possible without some form of communication that isn't capped at the speed of light?

    Well are still talking about electromagnetic spectrum.. Whether its infrared or ultraviolet. Or everything in between its still going to be limited to its specific spectrum and a crunch as more frequencies are involved.

  6.  I am really not to worried, it isn't like this forum is full of people in mature NV markets that are dealing with a bunch of small LTE islands, rather more just interested and curious.



    see phoenix lol.. we are dealing with just that... about half of phoenix available sites are nv 3g complete and so far we have two islands of lte... so your problem is our problem lol in fact similar questions have been brought up in our threads. we have people connected to a nearby 1xrtt and trying to figure out if the lte they are connected to several miles away is actually the lte site that we know about, or... another unknown site.. because when that op went to see the site couldn't connect but he did get lte 4 miles away  


    in that case we were relatively sure that its tower he tried to connect to and not an unknown one, and was just the tilt of the panels...  

  7. Beyond 2020, maybe that's why Sprint didn't jump for it. That's true, a lot of companies claimed to have 4G networks before LTE. Well, I suppose Sprint has enough on their plate with trying to have all these different spectrums of LTE.


    no i didnt say 4g before lte... tmobile was saying that their hspa hspa+ networks were 4g when in fact they were 3.5g it wasnt a total leap to 4g yes it was faster but not technically 4g

  8. I know we all love Sprint, and want it to be the best and most reliable network. I'm just wondering as to why Sprint didn't decide to make a crazy announcement of a "5G" network and just skip over 4G? Would this not be possible? Does one have to have a predecessor network in place before a successor network can come to be? I would think that they could have just installed back haul that could support a "5G" network. Would this have been plausible? Did they ever think of doing this and decided that it would have taken three times as long as NV has already? This was just an idea that popped in my head earlier and wanted to start a discussion on it and see what you guys have to say about it.



    they tried that with wimax.. now of course wimax wasnt the issue clearwire was but after that episode going to what everyone else had or was going to was a much better idea than taking another leap of faith

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  9. I was sitting about 1/4 mile or less from the Hardeeville, SC cellular site today, and I was getting -65db on 1xRTT... And -95db on LTE.. I lose the LTE signal about two miles from it.. It is not an urban site at all... Same thing with the new Myrtle Beach, SC one...


    Notice that we both have the EVOLTE... Just sucks on LTE... Hope my Galaxy Note 3 will do better. :)

    Remember that you can be on 1xrtt on one tower and lte on another.
  10. It's not over yet... lol


    Well 10 and 20 years ago. Wireless hardly existed and technology compared to now has evolved like crazy. The one CME that is going to hit earth could cause problems with wireless objects.



    radios have been around for a while now...  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guglielmo_Marconi


    whether its a phone or a ham set the principles are the same... your phone is going to be fine and if the tower is properly grounded so will they..  


    so make a new tin foil hat everything is going to be fine 

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  11. Beginning stages of turning on LTE.

    theres so much more to network visiion than just the turning on of LTE...  in fact equipment is updated on half the towers in phoenix mega metro super plex. The problem is the glaciers pace that cox and century link is installing the necessary backhaul so you can use the lte equipment on the towers..  they could have fired up the lte as soon as they were accepted but without the backhaul you may have a really fast connection to the tower but 3g backhaul bottle necking the process..  


    its like fighting a fire with a garden hose.. it may be connected to a hydrant you may have plenty of pressure but unless your hose is big enough you aint getting it done (thats what she said) 

  12. Sorry what I meant was in these beginning stages will they only start in phoenix. Or will they spread out lighting up towers throughout the valley then fill in the holes as time progresses

    beginning stages?? they have been at this since november actually first permits were granted in october... the first LTE may have been lit up recently but that doesnt mean that its just getting started 

  13. I wish I knew what that meant. What do you think about this then? http://www.minicircuits.com/pdfs/ZRL-3500+.pdf I want something that matches or surpasses the Wilson specs, obviously.... People have good results with Wilson products.


    Here are the General Purpose Amplifiers http://www.minicircuits.com/products/amplifiers_coax_gain_block.shtml


    And here are the Low Noise Amplifiers (pricier but not a deal killer) http://www.minicircuits.com/products/amplifiers_coax_low_noise.sh



    The wilson boosters are boosting input power not your output power its like rabbit ears remember back in the day you had just an antenna then they had amplified antennas? to get those long distance uhf signals in?  thats what the wilson amps do they are amplifying the input signal but only transmitting at 630 miliwatts so you get a good download signal but your upload is staying legal for a mobile device 


    the amps at minicircuits arent for helping you recieve better they are for transmitters. and  they arent for consumer use.. if you use these you will end up breaking the law by surpassing what your device was rated for.. these are things you will find on a tower not to be used to boost your output signal and they wont help you trying to pull in a weak signal at home..  


    the wilson boosters work well but understand what they are for... they are for weak signals coming in, they will not boost your output power, and if they do its not by much.  so if you are too far away from the tower to both send and recieve instead of trying to boost your output power (which is illegal) then its probably in your best interest to probalby get an airwave.  and hope that they get a tower closer to you.  or move to a carrier that might better fit your needs at home..  

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