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Everything posted by lordsutch

  1. RT @seldonkerr: Much respect to Saideman for this. Sexual harassment by a Prof. cannot ever be tolerated. https://t.co/89W9BepYBw

  2. I noticed since the March update there is an LTE Roaming setting in EPST; it may have been there previously but I didn't notice it then. Alas no potential LTE roaming to test around these parts. More generally, so far it does seem to have improved lag and stability.
  3. RT @oren_cass: Deciding not to oppo dump on Trump is a strategic choice, but refusing to engage on killing civilians and applauding strongm…

  4. RT @DPRK_News: Socialist Bernard Sanders wins election in Michigan Province. Pollsters found to have been using manifestly depraved Bayesi…

  5. RT @smithsj: It's amazing to me how many reporters write articles about tipping without mentioning the taxation aspect.

  6. I find this whole post more "patronizing" than the idea that people have difficulty arranging their lives to vote. https://t.co/ma5JmdL2rt

  7. Hasn't irrational optimism been the core value of this admin since the 2008 campaign? #HopeAndChange https://t.co/huUcv9831H

  8. RT @dustbury: I'm afraid this is probably inevitable. https://t.co/uMnySc6Y4L

  9. RT @ivan_hernandez: I'm proBernie but would vote Hillary as I am a one issue voter and that issue is not opening the seventh seal and usher…

  10. RT @marcambinder: A gift for anyone you truly love. https://t.co/KLBji7DbRC

  11. Show me your betting slips and I'll believe you. :)https://t.co/0XkzQmvUXa

  12. RT @celebrityhottub: I assume “Quebec porn” means the actors have to speak French. https://t.co/4gYqfJhyNm

  13. RT @stephenfhayes: Overriding theme from #demdebate: Government is failing. We need more government.

  14. Again reinforcing my long-held viewpoint that Hillary ≈ Bill - charm. https://t.co/2uzjWriWbd

  15. RT @The_VRI: The day after four Saturday caucuses, our analysis of their effect on Saturday Sabbath observers remains relevant. https://t.…

  16. RT @pbump: In 11 of 13 states for which we have polling, Trump did better or the same with Republicans as he did with indys. https://t.co/h…

  17. RT @FortuneMagazine: Tesla Model 3 to be unveiled March 31st https://t.co/PmutShjlsz

  18. RT @RadioFreeTom: When Trump is elected, I plan to get ahead of the curve and denounce many disloyal professors, including @KevinMKruse and…

  19. RT @notjessewalker: Further signs that the Clintonite pod people have not yet subdued The Onion: https://t.co/EE4xXcpCuh

  20. RT @AuerbachKeller: DailyKos to ban anti-Hillary rhetoric starting March 15. https://t.co/4v7aeAfHsO

  21. RT @kenvogel: The real reason Trump bailed on @CPAC: he balked at Q&A in front of hostile crowd; wanted extra 15 mins for speech. https://t…

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