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Everything posted by lordsutch

  1. RT @Popehat: Kids today don't remember Bill Clinton interrupted a campaign just so he could fly back to Arkansas to sign a death warrant on…

  2. Drinking a Hacker-Pschorr Hefe Weisse by Paulaner Gruppe @ Russian Tea Time — https://t.co/klDQg7J42E

  3. RT @dmataconis: Talking Heads, Troy University Style (Elections Edition) https://t.co/lZzTQvqCYR

  4. Late lunch. (@ M Burger in Chicago, IL) https://t.co/S2WP5p2fdl

  5. RT @trumwill: Ernest Hollings was in the Senate for over 35yo and was over 80 years old when he graduated from junior senator. https://t.c…

  6. RT @FakeAPStylebook: "Social Justice Warrior" on first use, "not an asshole" on subsequent uses.

  7. I don't know if I'd abolish summer vacation but I'd cut it to 4-6 weeks. https://t.co/Kh69XnIIVU

  8. RT @dmataconis: Frustrated UNC Student Too Busy Studying For Players’ Tests To Watch Title Game https://t.co/82T2L7cF55

  9. RT @JakeLaperruque: No, that's a horrible description. They ruled that potential voters are voters for purposes of drawing districts https:…

  10. RT @trumwill: Stop trying to get me to like Hillary Clinton it's not going to work. https://t.co/sBGdYBBFgZ

  11. RT @GregWeeksUNCC: We demand to inspect professors' private phones, but we don't think it's an invasion of privacy https://t.co/1x2uJpVSAV

  12. RT @cselley: Ahoy there, @TorontoStar. You misspelled "not toxic." https://t.co/HWfOCgc8qy

  13. RT @RudyHavenstein: I'm not sure how reliable these polls are. https://t.co/Euz5gtpQNr

  14. RT @joy: So if Villanova wins the Final Four, are Philadelphians allowed to say they’re from near Villanova?

  15. RT @MGAstateU: Registration for summer and fall 2016 classes is OPEN! #MGA https://t.co/84eStiIkH6 https://t.co/VuEqz7E3fS

  16. RT @danteramos: Congrats to the ponytailed young woman in seat 22B. You've invented a whole new way to be awful at 35,000 feet. https://t.c…

  17. RT @JamesSACorey: All right Toronto it is 10:30pm and I need food and I do NOT want a damn Wahlburger so where can I go and get non Markie …

  18. RT @AnnaKendrick47: Hi, I'm Anna, I'm alone tonight and I'm looking for a strapping muscular man to come over because butternut squash is h…

  19. RT @peterbakernyt: Obama says Putin brought up @JeffreyGoldberg article to complain. "Unlike you, Vladimir, I don't get to edit the piece,"…

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