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Everything posted by lordsutch

  1. RT @JamesSACorey: Rewatching The Martian. I love this movie. But all their problems were caused by not having Ed Harris in a white vest run…

  2. There was probably a small change in the FCC regulations to put carrier-provided VoIP solutions on the same playing field as third-party VoIP solutions that never had to comply with "airplane mode" or the geographic licensing scheme for voice communications. Reading between the lines, Sprint isn't going to bother to update the carrier software on older phones (particularly those that are likely to be EOLed soon) to allow these features but 2016 models will support it since Sprint plans to market and support them into 2017.
  3. RT @insidehighered: Paper argues that adjuncts push for better pay & working conditions is prohibitively expensive & would cost jobs https:…

  4. RT @politicalmath: Since June: College degree: 0.0% unemployment changeSome college: 0.0% changeHS diploma: 0.1% dropno HS diploma: 0.…

  5. VoLTE support on current (and future) generation flagship devices should just be a matter of software/baseband support and any necessary filings with the FCC, since these devices already support VoLTE on other carriers. Whether Sprint will go to the trouble of enabling the support on devices not initially advertised with the feature is another question. See, for example, the seeming lack of LTE roaming support as yet on the Nexus 6, 5X, and 6P, which should only be a minimal change, far simpler than enabling VoLTE relatively speaking.
  6. RT @2AvSagas: This unnecessary reinventing the wheel is why American transit is so behind the curve on everything. https://t.co/2XIqjP87HM

  7. RT @trumwill: I've been mostly holding my fire here, but seriously: being an asshole is how most came to originally support Cruz. https://t…

  8. RT @DannyDutch: If you face swap Mulder & Scully they look like a great Synth Pop band. https://t.co/Sai6CsC8Am

  9. RT @ElectProject: This could break federal law if ice cream not free for everyone h/t @gercohen https://t.co/EBMvPdWePW

  10. RT @jbassset: @gaileyfrey This GIF. Specifically the cat smacking the chair... https://t.co/A8lXRxlNsR

  11. RT @colbycosh: Confederacy Was Ahead Of Its Time, Says Popular News Website “Vox" https://t.co/dJPuxd7vOI

  12. RT @HKellenbergerCL: How does the news of Dak's arrest change his NFL Draft stock? https://t.co/q92NgRCT2G via @MikeBBonner

  13. RT @MarkKoyama: In China liberal retains its original meaning. From this fascinating paper https://t.co/7QUjAvSyPF https://t.co/yzKrC6DWFa

  14. RT @DLin71: Trump also announces that he has changed his name to “Fwd: Fwd: Re: Fwd: Fwd: Fwd: Re:” https://t.co/ADrb47NfZL

  15. RT @pattonoswalt: EVERYONE BUY THIS. I just did. Marcia got put through a shredder and came out spitting blades. https://t.co/DP4bcLOX9z

  16. RT @AP_Top25: Ex-Mississippi State QB Dak Prescott arrested on DUI charge: https://t.co/rteYeWHm5c @davidbrandtAP https://t.co/E2MtCOogs5

  17. RT @rneppell: Smashing barriers: I welcome this moment where we can see a trans woman be just as big an idiot as anyone else. https://t.co…

  18. RT @EsotericCD: All three volumes of The Feynman Lectures have been uploaded online and suddenly who cares about talking about politics? FE…

  19. RT @MattWalshBlog: Trump is preemptively accusing his opponents of rigging the vote, yet he isn't stoking division and anarchy? OK. https:…

  20. RT @amazon: Hey, Chicago! Giordano’s stuffed deep dish is now delivered by Amazon. https://t.co/YQRyKLr9oQ https://t.co/WTQSA9YcWD

  21. RT @UpshotNYT: The geography of Trumpism: Interesting correlations in the counties that love Donald Trump. https://t.co/z5Bb6woh3i https://…

  22. RT @baseballcrank: The common thread in Trump's celebrity fans is poor life decisions. https://t.co/s8gnG2oEhP

  23. RT @FabiusMaximus01: MoveOn congratulates protestors for shutting down opponents' political events. Wait until the Right imitates them. htt…

  24. RT @baseballcrank: If you ever wondered if we'd see a right-wing equivalent to Occupy Wall Street or Black Lives Matter, this is it: angry,…

  25. RT @LJH1969: Enrollment drop forces University of Missouri cuts and hiring freeze https://t.co/YnovayTKbD

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