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Everything posted by lordsutch

  1. RT @ShorterPearson: seeing OpenStax and Dover in the same place makes my heart happy https://t.co/Md2jgCwA9F

  2. Says guy who has flip-flopped on everything since 2004. ???? https://t.co/tBl1OCU9LT

  3. (Correction: 50-some. Point stands.)

  4. RT @normative: Trump is a "product of human action, not human design". A media creation, but not a deliberate one. https://t.co/WCil8olrQZ

  5. RT @ReasonRail: Labor productivity gains with containerization https://t.co/hFvOLpTnJm

  6. RT @jonostrower: Out of curiosity, I found the first NYT reference to Adolf Hitler. Nov. 21, 1922. Amazing last three paragraphs. https://t…

  7. RT @HeatherKEvans: FYI: I asked the poll workers if I could take one of the signs to share with my students. They said yes. https://t.co/…

  8. RT @DrLawrenceMGA: I'm going to be interviewed about the #SuperTuesday primary in GA on the 6pm @41NBC newscast tonight. Set your DVRs acco…

  9. RT @Popehat: Sorry Salon. After years of calling merely annoying people fascists we have a real one. Hope the wolf eats you first https://t…

  10. RT @joshgreenman: On Hillary, from a friend: "She's not naturally inspiring; when she tries to be, it comes off disingenuous. She's Nixon; …

  11. RT @asymmetricinfo: Tomorrow's column: How to talk to your dog about the 2016 Republican Primary. https://t.co/v4xrLObfT0

  12. Let Trump get the rump GOP nomination and the real GOP can start its own party, run candidates other than prez under both labels.

  13. RT @ATabarrok: Consider the NSA apparatus in the hands of a Trump https://t.co/xSYL7xT5WM

  14. RT @tylercowen: Imagine Donald Trump in charge of the regulatory state, https://t.co/HsGsBTS3hf

  15. RT @AdamKissel: Conservative student resigns campus job after faculty bosses call him obstacle to safe space - The College Fix https://t.co…

  16. RT @asymmetricinfo: Kasich behind Cruz in Michigan. Tell me again about scenario where he locks up Rust Belt & wins brokered convention? ht…

  17. RT @spulliam: How the "nones," (unaffiliated with religion) became the Democratic Party’s biggest faith constituency https://t.co/NRFLrdUxm…

  18. RT @normative: Not in the least surprised that the first sitting senator to endorse Trump would be moral leper Jeff Sessions.

  19. RT @dandrezner: Also, in contrast to Trump, Rubio has made very few fascist-friendly policy pronouncements and statements. https://t.co/8N…

  20. RT @smotus: Well, it's consistent with Trump's style to do some thoughtful research before just blurting out an answer. https://t.co/dwOE3…

  21. RT @Reductress: I LIVED IT: He Left Me for a Woman Who Uses 2 Spaces After a Period https://t.co/QXTiq9MwVS https://t.co/yGltR9mkil

  22. Or did many whites cross over and vote for Trump last week? https://t.co/p64cwqlzrv

  23. RT @bcburden: Key point is no GOP candidate gets majority of delegates before mid-April and maybe not even by the convention. https://t.co/…

  24. RT @DavidAllenGreen: An expert on gaining access to phones writes. https://t.co/8q4QCbFwdw

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