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Posts posted by marioc21

  1. As a potential Sprint-T-Mobile breakup fee, I would offer Legere a lifetime supply of pomade, five sport coats and pairs of distressed jeans from the Gap, and a personal meeting with Don Johnson of "Miami Vice" fame.  I think he would take it.




    T shirts, don't forget T-shirts.



    • Like 2
  2. But why would tmo be due a breakup fee? It is not like softbank reneged on a purchase agreement. If anything the regulators would be the ones to blame ... and sue ... Exactly what would tmo lose anyway?


    Jim, Sent from my Photon 4G using Tapatalk 2


    Most times the company being acquired wants to negotiate a breakup fee in case the deal falls through for whatever reason. One reasons Deutsch-Telekom agreed to sell to AT&T was the $3 billion breakup fee and billions in spectrum they would get if the deal fell apart. 


    Masa Son saw how much AT&T gave up once that deal fell through and I doubt he wants to repeat that himself.  So he'll aim for as low a fee as possible.  

  3. So, this update is a lot more than wifi calling its HTC sense 6 and power saving as well. A lot earlier than anticipated!


    Nope.  The update only lists wifi calling.  

  4. What if Legere is just playing Sprint into getting more money and spectrum? He may say he wants this and at the last moment says he doesn't. Wouldn't that mean there is the breakup fee and T-Mobile gets it or does it depend on who breaks it off?


    Legere probably has input just like Hesse does at Sprint, but the deal is going to be between Softbank and Deutsch-Telekom.  So Son and whoever runs DT will be the people working this out.  Again, Hesse and Legere will probably be the point guys for each parent in making the mechanics of this work and convincing regulators, but the terms of the deal will be between the parent companies. 

  5. I'm actually in the City of Richmond but its borderline Chesterfield. Chester is about 10-15 minutes away though. Not far at all. I do drive down the Chester alot though. My fiancee' and I were down that way last week and she was on the phone...DROPPED CALLS she was going off on me...lol. I keep trying to tell her it shouldn't be too much longer until this mess gets fixed but she isn't trying to hear that. Sprint needs to get that mess fixed like yesterday.


    Western to Southern Chesterfield are the last untouched Sprint areas.  Sprint seems to have gone counter clockwise around the city and stopped at midlothian turnpike.  Very annoying.   Hoping that a nice stretch of weather helps speed things along.  

  6. So this morning I'm sitting in my truck getting ready to pull out of my driveway(Jeff Davis & Bells Rd) to goto work turnoff my wifi then 4G LTE pops up. Looks like they're turning on alot of locations in South Richmond. I'm still having alot of problems with these drop calls driving...It's killing my fiancee' she's ready blow off Sprint. 


    Are you near chester, because I didn't get a single hit of LTE driving down Hull street this morning.  Really would like to see more progress from Sprint.  


    My wife is constantly complaining about her phone not working right.  She would've had us leave Sprint by now, but I switched us to a Framily plan with 9 lines so we're not going anywhere.  Needless to say that results in me hearing a lot about how calls drop and her phone data doesn't work.  

  7. So walking around downtown today, near 5th and E Main, my phone finally grabbed an active 4g signal. Band 41 too. Here's the result:



    Not sure what happened on upload portion of test.  Signal strength dropped from nearly 5 bars to 1 right before upload started.  


    But still. That's some nice speed.  Wish Sprint would move faster.  

    Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk

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  8. Bingo - Son would LOVE to get rid of Sprint's biggest competitor.


    Son is not all for competition and low prices.  He is here to make a profit and taking out Sprint's largest competitor is the way to go about doing that.


    T-Mobile is driving down margins, taking sprint customers, etc.  Softbank has the cash to take them out.  It's common sense from a business perspective.  From a consumer perspective, we'll just end up with higher prices and more profitable wireless carriers.


    I have no idea how anyone on this forum could support that.


    I don't know.  I think you make the assumption that 4 national carriers can actually survive independently in the long run.  I'm sure that's the case.  There might only be room for 3 competitive national carriers.  If there is a 4th, it will probably be reduced to no more than a glorified regional carrier. It'll be there but really not be much a factor in the market.  

  9. Man... I can't wait until they start advertising "America's Newest Network" here. Surely it can't be that far away....right...?


    Pay attention next time you see one those goofy Framily commercials with the hamster.  You might see it or hear it as part of the voice over at the end.  I saw one them on TV last night. 


    This was the one:



  10. Oh I get it. They are applying the framily fórmula to the Spotify sub. If you get 1-5 of your family to sign up its $8 per month. If you get 6 or more to sign up it drops to $5 per month.


    Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk

  11. You will see that when people hold on to their handsets for a lot longer since they have to pay full price. What we might see is that you might get a bundle price from the handset makers. 


    As more and more people move to unsubsidized plans we'll see that.  The big change will come when the carriers stop paying commissions to 3rd party retailers like Best Buy, WalMart, etc. for signing up people for 2 year service contracts.  That's probably a long ways off though. 

  12. Finished listening to call. Nothing noteworthy. Same as last call. NV 1.0 will be substantially complete by mid-year. HD voice calling will deployed by mid-year. Will expand Spark to 100 mill pops by year-end. 


    Here's a fiercewireless writeup of the call:




    I'll post a link to the written transcript when it's available. 

    • Like 2
  13. I wasn't trying to be fair and cover all points. I just wanted to illustrate how far AT&T has lowered their pricing. Sprint's Framily plans with large groups is definitely the best value in the business.


    Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro


    Now if only we'd start seeing price competition on actual phone prices. 

  14. Although it's not something I commonly tout, I am paying $50 per month less for 4 lines on AT&T than I did with Sprint. Granted my phones are not subsidized and I have a data cap. But it does go to show how much AT&T has lowered pricing. The same plan a year ago would have cost me $50 more per month than Sprint.


    Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro


    Well, just to fair to Sprint. Now that I'm on a Framily plan I'm paying about $100 per month less to Sprint for 3 lines than I was before Framily. If you get to the magic 7 lines on a Framily plan there's not really anything out there that tops it for price. But it's nice to see that there is some price competition everywhere. 

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