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Everything posted by jroepcke51

  1. I think it is possible but you need politics that support big business. I don't want to make this political but democrats typically go against it and are more about monitoring the market whether it is beneficial or not. However we see what happen under the bush administration allowing att and verizon To get so big. The administration did not perform enough/any monitoring of the marketplace. It is a pendulum. Who knows 2016 could be a different story in a short sighted view. Perhaps tmo runs out of money and investors flee and sprints picks them apart.
  2. I found that out the hard way when I was in billings for two weeks for work and dropped my OG Evo. I went into best buy to get it replaced and the guy laughed at me. He explained that Sprint "roamed" on Alltel. At that time I was not as wise (or in the know) as I am now and argued that my phone didn't say roaming. Little did I know.
  3. I take it this "Doug" of what you speak of was banned here...
  4. The internet is down??!! IT IS THE APOCALYPSE!!!
  5. In a lot of scenarios, it all depends on the backhaul provider. Such as the Albuquerque market. We have 22% of the sites in Albuqerque turned on out of a possible 80% of sites that have network vision completed. Centurylink is dragging like crazy.
  6. I am having the same issue here in Albuquerque. My wife's iphone 5 will pick up signal before and keep it longer than the 5s. Through my testing in other markets, i find the 5s has a longer timer and the addition to Band 26 in the phone. You have performed my detailed fixes but to correct right away, I do a airplane mode and I get connected right away. Annoying I know.
  7. I finally became a member of the site in June of 2012 but was definitely lurking for a long time.
  8. I am not surprised and I am glad this finally came out. HOwever, I am disappointed about Hesse. He was good for Sprint. Farwell and enjoy retirement.
  9. i agree. For journal center there is one tower across the interstate that would help. In addition b26. However, NM seems to be stuck on rebranding.
  10. I would agree with the ping slightly high. Would make me believe that it has not been optimized. However if those speeds are coming at you at this time of day, feel blessed.
  11. Around town I am in the advertised speeds, but journal center I can't even hit a meg all day. Band 41 can't come soon enough.
  12. I don't understand the could be worse part? That is about Sprint's advertised speeds for Band 25?This is my current from my Trifi in journal center.
  13. Audit, BEC and FAR down in my cpa exam. Now Reg!

  14. I don't think the location of the tower is moving. In my small expiriences with WiMax on my Tri-Fi hotspot over the past couple of years has been that the power is being turned down and the allotted spectrum is smaller than before. I believe it now only works in 5 or 10 hrz. If indeed those two factors have occured (are occuring), the strong signal area before will no longer be strong. Suggestion going forward, upgrade to a triband device. Currently, you can get the SG4 at bestbuy for a $1. crazy. If you upgrade to a triband (or even a dual band iphone 5s/5c), your region has great sprint service. Tampa is already a Sprint Spark network. Well good luck.
  15. I am with you about complaints. If you lived in abq, pain was everywhere. I am slightly surprised that band 26 isn't turned on yet. That will help capacity and speeds. Also I have already found permits for band 41 equipment that Nokia will be installing which will go much faster than NV 1.0. Band 41 will be the peak speeds that you are looking for. Yet again, I personally don't care for the speeds but capacity.
  16. I know your speeds are good and signal is low but I have to assume they are testing that site that you connected to as your ping is usually high. Edit. Nevermind based on a review of a map where you are at.
  17. Do you really need that? All over Albuquerque I have been getting between 6 and 15 Meg's down which is what sprint markets band 25 speeds. Anything over 3 or 4 you don't even notice a difference.
  18. When i saw that you posted to this thread, i automatically thought you would head down the Neil Diamond route. Still was not disappointed.
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