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Everything posted by jroepcke51

  1. digital touch is a really interesting thing.
  2. I am a watch wearer. I am interested in getting this.
  3. Multiple sizes. interesting. 18K gold. thats just silly.
  4. Definitely agree. However, I have never used Gwallet.
  5. Apple pay at Disney world by christmas!
  6. NFC radio built across the top.
  7. LTE bands and VOLTE. Getting interesting. Edit: Sprint was not on the VoLTE slide.
  8. I am getting a translation in the background. Is there a way to remove?
  9. Took lunch early today so I can work and listen at he same time. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. In the last week I have found four more sites that have their second permit too!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Well September 9th, Albuquerque was launched. We all need to break out the bubbly. This was a long time coming.
  12. Also, i don't think the coverage on the maps is overstated. In my experience, it is very similar or worse than the connectivity i have had. Also what does this push the total covered pops too?
  13. Watching the charger game and I keep hearing cherise's name. It is cracking me up.

  14. As a big harry potter fan, this made me happy today.
  15. The following is an update of the ABQ market and specific cities based on Robert's update. ABQ Market 82% of towers now have NV accepted 31% of NV towers have LTE accepted Albuquerque 79% of towers now have NV accepted 50% of NV towers have LTE accepted Rio Rancho 69% of towers now have NV accepted 31% of NV towers have LTE accepted El Paso (already launched) 80% of towers now have NV accepted 71% of NV towers have LTE accepted
  16. I don't think i can read. Per Robert's link above, Commnet is included as a CCA Partner with Sprint that was announced in March.
  17. Perhaps your trip was ill-timed and not for nothing. Edit: I was also hoping for Commnet to be on the next release even though they don't have any LTE. They would cover most of norther New Mexico and southern Colorado.
  18. I agree. I was looking at a coworkers phone here in the ABQ market where XLTE is only 10x10. Now it has provided great capacity for the city for Verizon but it was already bogged down. In Journal Center, he was pulling 10 to 15 megs on band 4. Still great. I wouldn't complain, however, last time Verizon pushed LTE out, it took a while for speeds to come down. Amazing to see the speeds already decreasing. This was an iphone 5s. I would be really surprised if they didn't. They have available cash (several billion) after all of the debt issuance to buy themselves.
  19. Bands 4, 5 (covered by band 26) and 12 will be in upcoming sprint phones. The iphone already has both of these bands. I am not sure if they are in the Sprint variant though. Edit. Just checked, band 4 and 5 are already in the Sprint variant. Band 12 is not included in any iphone currently.
  20. Calabacitas with my own roasted green chile. #tasty

  21. There is the monopole on San fransico and San Pedro may help when it is finally completed.
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