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Everything posted by bandwithhog

  1. Spectrum is the new gold and people want more and more. Removing T-Mobile would make sense to Sprint because it reduces pressure on the low end of the market yet would provide additional spectrum. I think there is a deal in the works were Dish gets something to be No.4 in the market and Sprint takes T-Mobile.
  2. Why is Sprint not deploying LTE on b26 right now? I have seen on the maps that the towers are 3G/800/4G in his area but why not installing 4G on 800 when you are working on the network anyways?
  3. It would be nice if they can tweak this a little because you walk into a house with clear sight to the tower and your full bars are gone. LTE still provides 2-4 MB's down but not the 15 MB's you see outside the house and we are talking just one wall.
  4. T-Mobile should be called MetroPCS because they have not really any faux-G or 4G coverage outside major cities. It already pains me when I think about driving between Las Vegas to the Bay Area
  5. I have seen the 1x signal at -70 while the LTE signal remains at -103. I noticed that the penetration of the LTE signal is very weak when you go indoors. The tower is about 1 mile away and it's a residential neighborhood were my friend has his house.
  6. Ever since I have my LG G2, I noticed that the LTE signal is very week yet the 3G signal from the same tower is fully available on 1900 Mhz. This is not just one tower, I noticed this all over Las Vegas. Could this be related to the LTE not being fully deployed / under construction? I have seen this on most towers that have been listed as 3G/800/4G. Has anybody noticed the same issue?
  7. I will know more this week because I have to drive from Las Vegas to San Jose and it would be nice to see the improved coverage on the I-5. Not even AT&T or Verizon have fully covered the Interstate but Sprint roamed a lot on MetroPCS and Cricket.
  8. I was in San Jose around the first and a lot of 3G on my Triband while my G3 was able to connect to LTE. I wished I could have taken the picture of the monopol on Capital Expressway getting new sets of antennas installed.
  9. I guess time will tell and I think Clearwire will stay until end of 2015
  10. It will still take a lot of time and what I have seen currently is only the NV1.0 here in Las Vegas. Even when they start B41 it will take time to kill WiMax. Again, WiMax enjoys a lot of customer use and it would not be good PR for Sprint to take it all away soon. My prediction from all the networks that have gone offline: 8-12 months warning before they shut off the network and that will be AFTER Clearwire equipment stopped to be sold in all channels. Keep in mind, even Sprint still sells WiMax equipment (especially Boost & Virgin Mobile) and most of their MVNO's do too.
  11. Again, I have seen how nice Sprint and Clear play together in markets like Los Angeles and there is no degradation in service for WiMax. Yes eventually WiMax is go, but I am not sure it will be before the end of 2015. Anyways, I worry about it when Sprint makes the anouncement rather to freak out on speculation. Clearwire has a huge amount of spectrum in Las Vegas and I am sure they will find a solution. Btw. has there been any B41 LTE deployment in Las Vegas at all? I was disappointed to see a lack of LTE during CES this year. WiMax worked as always at the fairplex very stable while AT&T and Verizon had some issued with their LTE networks.
  12. At this point in time I don't think that the current Sprint NV updates include the current WiMax network here in Las Vegas. None of the towers have received any RUU upgrade. Sprint will deploy B41 in Las Vegas later this year using Nokia equipment. Yes some locations are CoLo but I have seen all shared towers with seperate equipment cabinets. I took a drive around North Las Vegas yesterday (after Nascar) to visit some of the new 3G/4G/800 towers and you see most of them have Clearwire in addition. There is no need to scare people and when they deploy B41 in Las Vegas, I am sure they use the Nokia equipment in the currenltly unused spectrum.
  13. Do you honestly think that Sprint is just shutting down WiMax in a major market over night. They gave Nextel customers a year to convert and I am not expecting anything less from Clearwire. Let Sprint deploy their B41 network, that does not mean I am losing service on an old Clearwire tower.
  14. WiMax is available and so far so good and I stress myself with alternatives when Sprint announces the decommission of the network. It took years for Nextel and I will make sure to ride the WiMax waves until their sun sets. I have tested a little bit the 4G in Las Vegas and I am not really impressed. The signal is very week and even their 3G signal is much stronger. I have been at a friends house today with sight to a tower and 3G works just fine but 4G is very week and I hope they fix it before the market goes live which could be soon. Back to WiMax, there has been a big wave of new customers from MVNO's especially FreedomPOP and I have to admit, their service works just fine in town. ; My company just provided me with a brand new Sprint router but there is no LTE yet at my place :-(
  15. Go to the Clear.com website and try to activate a device in some zip codes and it will tell you that they can't activate it in that area. I checked zip codes in the north and east of town and even some parts of west have issues. This usually happens when they reach a critical mass on their network. You can still use devices activated in different areas but Clearwire tries to stop new customers to activate with them in heavy usage zones. I am trying to make a map when I have a bit more time which towers are effected.
  16. Las Vegas is one of Clearwire's top markets with very high usage and a very large customer base.
  17. I doubt you will not hit these limits with your Netflix running 24/7. You can consider about 1-2 GB per hour on Netflix (connected TV etc). so you have 24 GB - 48 GB in a 24 hour window and Satellite is going to kick you off. They max buckets are 10 GB and that is not a lot. My work requires the transmission of large files from the field and each file is between 2-4 GB big. Tested satellite and it was a no go. Clear works great and I should have later today my unlimited LTE hotspot just hope that the LTE is finally getting better in my area. Verizon sucked for the last couple of days as their network seem to have issues.
  18. I had the same issue with Clearwire and their issues to connect to Facebook.
  19. Well I am going to enjoy working from home as long as Clear is available. I had satellite service but their service is neither fast not reliable. In addition you are really blacked from using services like VOIP, Netflix etc.
  20. Satellite is very restictive and you have daily limits on your volume. Trust me, I look into the service and there is nothing that will come close to the price/service offered by Clear.
  21. Have you looked at the prices and allowances of satellite service? I could sign up for a 20GB Verizon account and save actually money and have faster service too.
  22. Some of the equipment will be sold to NII and SouthernLinc because both are still running iDEN and they need parts because I am not sure if Motorola still makes new parts. Some stuff will be sold to other iDEN providers too because iDEN is still in use in some other countries.
  23. Not correct because Clear had about 1.5 Million Retail customers and the rest of the about 8-10 Million (considering the deactivations and LTE switches) are wholesale customers. FreedomPOP, NetZero, Karma etc are all in the wholesale bucket and Sprint or earlier Clearwire has not released any numbers. The Network still has plenty of people using it and if you consider the push in the wholesale area to use WiMax until not enough hardware aka devices are left is not a bad idea. All the devices sold today are refurbished devices and considering FreedomPOP, are selling quite well. Now a lot of Sprint subs are also Clear subs because of their dual CDMA/WiMax device and I guess Sprint will now count them as Sprint Platform only.
  24. Each file is about 2.5-4GB and I have several each day to review and work on. Trust me, I looked and currently Clear is the best option. Allthought I still have Verizon's Grandfathered LTE on two devices and I am trying to load balance the usage. Still the kids have their own Clearmodem and they use it for Netflix, Hulu, YouTube and that eats up GB's too.
  25. There is currently no other company that provides Internet at speeds usable for the work applications. Satellite is good if you push files at night but who likes to stay up at night just to upload your work projects. Let's see what happens in the future.
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