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Everything posted by supert0nes

  1. This is a snapshot of a very dynamic time in wireless. That is all.
  2. Some of the upgraded sites over the last week have been close to other upgraded sites. It's easier to see in the sponsor section
  3. I'm kindof hoping the one on Zane and 610 comes online today.
  4. First, it's wireless, meaning highly dynamic, so anything you can imagine like weather or your phone can affect it. Also, since more sites are coming online around Rochester as we speak, they could be adjusting downtilt on the existing sites. These side effects are bound to happen until blanket coverage is established.
  5. I would love to see pictures of the tower in Rogers or Elk River. I think there might be even 2 up there broadcasting as of this week.
  6. Well LTE-800 should go quick as hell as it's plug in a card, turn it on, and go test. Quite a bit different than the huge checklist they have to fulfill today.
  7. The amount of nuances with macro scale wireless is just ridiculous. I learn something new every day, even if this one seems obvious, it's not something I've seen discussed here often.
  8. It could also be that better phones than mine are picking up the tower in Corcoran.
  9. So, not sure if someone else noticed this, but Sensorly shows Rogers is completely covered by LTE now. Looks like 1 - 2 towers started broadcasting up there this week!
  10. I would suggest reading more of the site then. 800 LTE and Clearwire are talked about more than just a little here.
  11. To be fair, it seems like the towers done in the north have had very little downtilt and eager mappers. We're only talking about a handful of towers difference.
  12. Just so you know, you're going to have to buy a new phone to get LTE. Maybe you already know that, but you've got this positive feeling about Wimax I haven't seen in a while.
  13. I'd be really surprised if they had ever planned to put Wimax in Willmar. As part of the Minnesota market, you could get upgraded towers at any time between now and the end of 2013. Sorry to not be more specific, but there should be full coverage across the market by the fall time frame with 100% towers completed towards the end of the year or shortly after.
  14. This is my last post of the evening, so hopefully this helps. I use forum runner to view these forums(with images) from my phone. I'm on android. I usually use my computer to upload images to imgur, they might have an app, or maybe imageshack does? Then this site can just link to that image when you make a forum post. Any time i've linked to imgur, I've been on my computer so i've had the full set of document tools to post replies in.
  15. I'm not going to lie, I've had a couple beers, I don't know what you're talking about. If it's that you can't upload pictures to s4gru, you should be using an image site like imgur to host images and link them in these forums. s4gru wont be hosting all those large picture files.
  16. You're getting into technical support problems. Maybe there's an issue. If it's hampering your activities call Sprint technical support.
  17. 600 is an option, and maybe their best option. It definitely has large hurtles, however. It will take years to make this spectrum usable, (reverse auction success dependent, 3gpp license, build out, phones) all that jazz. I think we're looking at 2017 or later before that spectrum is usable. Is that soon enough for T-Mobile or will something else allow them to get low spectrum in the mean time?
  18. Also. T-Mobile solved a bandwidth problem even though they are losing customers. Seems like their bigger problem was a coverage problem, which they definitely haven't solved by buying AWS to pair with their PCS.
  19. Hey thanks for stopping in! So we've had this "What do Clearwire's assets look like discussion in another thread "Sprint makes official offer to acquire Clearwire." Here are some of the highlights of the discussion. Most of the information coming from wiwavelength with help from s4gru and members. I probably misunderstood some things, but Sprint wont become a spectrum king out of this deal. -We make these assumptions based on the idea that BRS/EBS wont be restructured in the near future -Sprint may have to divest some spectrum post merger. -If Sprint is going to divest spectrum it will be EBS spectrum. -Sprint can easily divest EBS spectrum by terminating the leases to the schools and those schools will quit making money. -No other major telco company will lease the EBS spectrum in the near future. -Total BRS Bandwidth is 76.5 BRS is made up of - "Beyond the 55.5 MHz "attributable" BRS2-H3 blocks of contiguous licenses, the other 21 MHz comes from the BRS1, E4, F4, and K blocks, which are located at the very bottom of BRS/EBS and/or not fully contiguous with the "attributable" 55.5 MHz. So, for TD-LTE deployment, that 55.5 MHz is likely to be the heart and soul." -Clearwire is not the only holder of the BRS2-H3 blocks BRS nation wide. -Sprint should look to hold the BRS-H3 55.5 MHz of BRS spectrum nationwide, which could cost a bit of money to pay off the current holders. They should also look to keep/gain as much of the BRS1, E4, F4, and K blocks as they can nationwide, but it wouldn't be contiguous, so not as useful as the BRS2-H3. We're not looking for Sprint to abuse spectrum. We'd love to see Sprint get 100MHz of contiguous 2500MHz TD-LTE spectrum, as this would be better than their current situation of BRS + leased EBS. In reality, Sprint's minimum goal to be fine should be to have 20-60MHz of contiguous 2500 spectrum nationwide.
  20. If you want to know the new towers Sprint installs each week on an interactive map, you have the option of becoming a Sponsor of this site. http://s4gru.com/ind...come-a-sponsor/ That being said, Sprint has had a couple slow weeks in Minnesota, but has tower upgrades that are currently in progress throughout the Minnesota market, including La Crosse and on 94 as far south as Tomah in Wisconsin, as evidenced by Sensorly. I believe Sprint is just starting to ramp up in Minnesota and more site should be completed with a faster pace as the weather warms up. Also, tomorrow is Thursday, so maybe we'll get lucky again with some new LTE! Thursday has definitely been the day when most of the towers so far have started broadcasting LTE in MN, maybe this will continue?!? Who knows?
  21. Pretty sure New Orleans learned their lesson about bounties Sent from phone
  22. And here I thought the guy that makes maps would have an understanding of Sprint's spectrum position. http://specmap.seque...t-set-of-rules/
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