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Everything posted by LuisBOSS302

  1. The difference is huge from an EPL player moving to La Liga. Requires more technique, vision, and you don't have that much space to run.

  2. One thinks playing against rayo and another at Manchester. Plz. Calm down. Tuesday is the real test for this team

  3. Connected to 1x800 in Lathrop and Manteca inside Kohl's in Manteca. https://www.dropbox.com/s/iwwenp51gmkgcsa/2014-02-16%2003.31.13.png https://www.dropbox.com/s/osu35khc54i36lc/2014-02-16%2003.31.59.png
  4. Alexis wtf you doing

  5. http://device.sprintpcs.com/Samsung/SM-G900P-SPRINT/latest Looks like the Sprint version of the S5 will have a 1080P display and specs similar to last year's Galaxy S4.. Maybe there will be two models on Sprint. We shall see.
  6. Yo girl right now sucking some dude up. Quit playing son, get yourself a real girl.

  7. El futbol no perdoma. If you don't make them the other team will

  8. If you get a nexus 5 just put a t mobile sim while your area is finished. Their service is actually pretty good in this area if you live near the city.
  9. Anyone else been noticing really slow lte in the east bay? This week I've been working mostly in the east bay and the speeds are really slow. Same location and same time months ago I used to always have a connection of 15-31 Mbps . Now anywhere from 1-4 Mbps. Also I lose lte pretty often. I wanted to see if it was the s3 so I took my t mobile sim out of my nexus 5 and used my nexus 5 the past two days and still same problems. As well with the iPad mini :/
  10. Leaked pics are fake. They confirmed it about an hour ago on their twitter.
  11. Work started a long time ago. Some sites in Stockton has had NV installed for months now. There are a couple that I went to this past Saturday that didn't have NV couple months ago and they still look the same.
  12. S/o to my Bay Area native Marshawn Lynch tho! MY NIGGA.

  13. Leaning towards the HTC M8 unless it's A) not spark or S5 blows it out of the water.
  14. Currently in Disneyland but this lte here is pretty impressive in the park. My videos and pictures uploaded like a breeze. Ran three speed tests and so far so good. I'm surprised that it works this well on such a crowded area. Currently on the nexus 5 but haven't picked up lte 2500.
  15. If someone mistakes that as a rant I'll give them the dictionary definition of a rant
  16. I doubt the fee of Neymar was 86M... more like 100M+. Madrid were offering a house, 100M+, and other shit.

  17. Damn I haven't seen the movie How High in years. Need to find that DVD

  18. Quite surprised Lakers only down by 15 lmao

  19. In Hawaii no way! Everyone in the states have been getting that text. I got it too.Sprint unfortunately sends it to people all over the country. I don't blame people being mad and leaving Sprint. Sprint gave their customers a date that their network will be completed in 30 days which for some markets it could be true. But for other markets it's almost impossible to finish the network in 30 days. When the 30 days are up, people will be even more angry because they've been lied too. Now that competition like T Mobile is offering to pay your early termination fee, these angry customers (which will be a lot) will switch carriers. Sprint SHOULD HAVE NEVER sent this text. It will confuse and mislead the customers. Bad business move. For example Hawaii is farrrrrrr from being finished. Permits in this state really take forever to be approved.
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