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Posts posted by kckid

  1. That's not a bad deal at all. Did they just offer it up? Or did you have to complain it suggest it yourself?


    Robert via CM9 Kindle Fire using Forum Runner


    I had been in earlier in the day, and complained then when they didn't have the iphone I pre-ordered. The sales associate looked at some schedule and said it was on a shippment that they would be receiving later that day. I made the last appointment for 9:30. That way I would give it every chance to arrive. When I went in at 9:30 and they didn't have it, they just offered up the 64gb model. I had to get approval from my daughter, since I was buying it for her. She had requested the 32db white. She did not want to wait for the phone, so she became smart and took the 64gb model.

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  2. I got a replacement EVO LTE phone. The first thing I did was check for system updates and updated the phone. I thought that would bring me to the latest OS for the phone. I did not check the version, but this morning I just happened to check for updates again, and to my surprise there was one available. This update just brought me up to the latest version. Is this normal?


    I would have thought that updating the phone would have updated it to the latest version instead of having to do multiple updates.

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