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Posts posted by kckid

  1. I was in a corporate sprint store today and ask about the Jelly Bean update for my EVO LTE. I got 2 different answers,. The first from the guy helping me with my account who said after the first of the year, and the other from the tech guys in the back that said before the end of the year.. Go figure!!!



    I just want an update to fix the LTE connectivity issues with the EVO. I don't care if it is Jelly Bean or an update to ICS.

  2. Today while mapping are area of 4G connection, I had 4G on mission rd from 159th street to 175st where I lost 4g and started connecting 3G. I did a u-turn at 175st and started back towards 159th. I did not switch from 3G to 4G the entire route. It makes me think it is a software issue rather than a hardware issue?

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