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Posts posted by kckid

  1. I don't know what the connection optimizer is? I was traveling through St. Joesph, NO yesterday and should have had an LTE signal, but all I got on I-29 was EVDO Rev A.D.


    Yes my connection was set to LTE/CDMA.


    Wondering if it was because the battery was under 50%?


  2. I think the bigger difference is with the Samsung, you get the straight OS where as with the HTC, you get the HTC Sense software added on. Then your preference becomes which software do you like.

  3. The blackberry was designed for battery life. So I don't think there is any Android device that will have the same battery life as a blackberry. I would stay away from a WiMax device since the WiMax radio is not integrated. Since the EVO LTE has a 2000ma battery, it is getting good life, and you could just turn off the LTE service.


    I like my EVO LTE.....

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