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Posts posted by kckid

  1. My daughter has an Iphone 5 and lives in Lawrence KS, where Sprint has LTE service. She called the other day and said her phone was only connecting 3G. Using my experience with the HTC EVO LTE and its connection issues, I told her to toggle the airplane mode. Eureka, it immediately connected to 4G. Seems like the connection algorithm is not perfect on the Iphone 5 either.

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  2. I ran into a friend of mine, who I use to work with at my old company, at lunch today. He now works for Sprint. I talked to him a little about the EVO LTE issue with acquiring and keeping 4G. Particularly that I travel the same route every morning and some mornings I'm connected to LTE and some mornings I'm not, I drive towards the tower that has LTE. He told me to send him an email and he would open a ticket that he sat next to the engineers. Hopefully this will help move the issue along.


    On a side note: The first question I was as was had I updated my PRL recently. As a matter of face from ready the board (thanks digiblur) I knew that 25009 as available and had updated it this morning.

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