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Everything posted by aerxx

  1. I have issues where it wont reconnect to a remembered network. For example....I walk to get the mail...lose connection...walk back to the house...3G has taken over....wifi is still on....wont reconnect. I have to turn wifi off, then back on again to reconnect. Sometimes have to forget the network and let the phone rediscover it all over again. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Forum Runner
  2. How long has it been as bad as you described above? Sent from my SPH-L710 using Forum Runner
  3. Is anyone else having problems with sound not playing over the speaker after disconnecting headphones...?
  4. I think pretty much all of those things are due to the faster processor and 2GB of RAM
  5. Yea. But I wanted them NOW. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Forum Runner
  6. You can get a pack of 5 for 14.99. $10.99 if you receive a corporate discount. I dont see lots of uses for them just yet, I just have one in my car to toggle my bluetooth on and off. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Forum Runner
  7. Were you moving around or stationary...? Sent from my SPH-L710 using Forum Runner
  8. Like this? http://www.imgur.com/i5so8.jpg Sent from my SPH-L710 using Forum Runner
  9. Ah yes. The folio cover with the non-branded back. I went with the body glove one. I tend to be rough with my phones..... Sent from my SPH-L710 using Forum Runner
  10. Dang it ben, now you have me wondering too.....
  11. It also saved them something like 3.1M gallons of fuel costs anually..... http://www.boston.com/news/local/articles/2008/07/10/right_turns_make_the_most_out_of_gas/
  12. Doing some quick math, its about 5hrs 15min. Heavy Facebook, camera, e-mail, few games, checked MLB scores quite a bit, bike ride with the phone listening to music....
  13. I deleted the picture. It was a flatbed truck with a crane that was carrying about 8 Samsung NV cabinets. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Forum Runner
  14. This was a bad assumtion on my part. I thought I read somewhere that eHRPD sessions had a higher signal strength..... Sent from my SPH-L710 using Forum Runner
  15. Maybe the term "half" shouldnt have been used. I now get 1 bar where I used to get 2. I get 2 where it used to fluxuate 3 and 4. In my eyes, that would make this phones antenna perform half as well as my EPIC. Even as I was typing this....my signal went anywhere from no service to 3 bars. What made me say that its "about the same" today, is because I still have the same slow speeds and inconsistant signal that I have always had inside my work. Like I said...I cant wait to see what everyone else sees. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Forum Runner
  16. One day of testing is what was reported and I wasnt connected to eHRPD. I dont know if thats the difference or not. Im going to assume it is. I kook forward to reading anyone elses results..... Sent from my SPH-L710 using Forum Runner
  17. Home Depot..... My OG EPIC was about the same.....maybe one bar better. This is standing outside at the same location.... http://www.imgur.com/pr8Hm.jpg Sent from my SPH-L710 using Forum Runner
  18. Pleasant surprise at work this morning. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Forum Runner
  19. 50% brightness, CDMA/LTE mode on. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Forum Runner
  20. I'm very impressed with this phone's camera. Below is a video I shot today. The pictures that come with it where taken with the built in feature allowing you to take pictures while recording video. Don't know what its going to default to, but you can watch in 1080p. http://imgur.com/a/cV3GU
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